Ionic Bonding


Facts about Ionic Bonding. Comment below if this helps you :)
Evangeline Taylor
Mind Map by Evangeline Taylor, updated more than 1 year ago
Evangeline Taylor
Created by Evangeline Taylor over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Ionic Bonding
  1. Ionic Bonding – Transferring electrons
    1. In Ionic Bonding, atoms lose or gain electrons to form charged particles (called ions) which are strongly attracted to one another (because of the opposite changes + and -)
      1. A shell with just one electron is well keen to get rid of it extra one electron to complete it shell
        1. Become a positive change (E.g. Na+)
        2. A nearly full shell is well keen to get that extra electron from another atom that has an extra electron the it ‘wants’ to get rid of, so it can have an complete shell
          1. Become a Negative change
      2. Ionic compound has a regular lattice structure
        1. Ionic compound always have giant ionic lattices
          1. Ions form a closely packed regular lattice arrangement
            1. Electrostatic forces of attraction between oppositely charge ions, in all directions.
            2. Ionic compounds all have similar properties
              1. They all have:
                1. High melting point
                  1. High boiling point due to strong attraction between the ions
                    1. Ions are free to move
                      1. Carry electric current
                        1. Dissolve easily in water

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