Leadership Development - Phase 4


Mind Map on Leadership Development - Phase 4, created by anton.shapkarov on 03/06/2014.
Mind Map by anton.shapkarov, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by anton.shapkarov about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Leadership Development - Phase 4
  1. Accelerated Development - Coaching
    1. Healthcare Careers & Skills Academy
      1. Kylie Dentith
        1. Lucy Corbitt
      2. Ro Vaughan
        1. PA Deborah Mathews
        2. Nominated Individuals
          1. 1. Natalie Ruscoe (from the 2013 CLP)
            1. 2. Karen Moore (from the 2013 CLP)
              1. 3. Caroline Groves
                1. 4. Rebecca Gallimore (recently promoted to band 8c)
                  1. 5. Debra Meehan – Matron Trauma and Orthopaedics /Surgery
                    1. 6. Julia Birchall Searle Matron Neurosciences / deputy CAN
                      1. 7. Linda Collier Matron Gen Med
                        1. 8. Sarah Jamieson – Midwife
                          1. 9. Julie Wheat-hattersley
                            1. 10. Pauline Simpson George
                              1. 11. Karen McCracken, Assistant Director of Operations
                                1. 12. Michele Gibbs
                                  1. Wants to continue her sessions with James
            2. Nominators
              1. Cawley, Claire
                1. Mark Bostock
                  1. Adamson, Gill
                    1. Adamson, Gill
                      1. Adamson, Gill
                        1. Adamson, Gill
                          1. Briggs, George
                            1. Briggs, George
                              1. Vivien Hall
            3. RDL Coaches
              1. James Mackay
                1. Frieda De Lay
                  1. Lars Isaksen
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