

Note on Population., created by JodiePatterson on 13/05/2013.
Note by JodiePatterson, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by JodiePatterson about 11 years ago

Resource summary

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Geography Unit 1 - A2. 


Fertility Measures. Crude Birth Rate: Total number of live births per thousand per year - Weakness: no account of age or gender but is simple.General Fertility Rate: Total number of live births per thousand in the reproductive age groups (15-44). More Reliable than CBR as age is taken into account.Total Fertility Rate: Average number of children a woman will have during her reproductive years. Lower in MEDC's - measure of development.Age Specific Fertility Rate: The number of live births per thousand women within specific age bands.Net Reproduction Rate: Average number of daughters born per woman,

Mortality Measures:

Crude Death Rate: total number of deaths per thousand per year. no account of age or gender but is simple and widely used. Age Specific Mortality Rate: number of deaths per thousand within specific age bands per year. Good indicator of life style deaths.Infant Mortality Rate: number of deaths per thousand in the first year of life. Good indicator of development between countries.Maternal Mortality Rate: number of maternal deaths per thousand per live births. good measure of development.Life Expectancy: the number of years a person is expected to live. Good indicator of development. 

Natural Change. 

Is the percentage net or loss to the population per year. Natural increase is when the birth rate exceeds the death rate. Replacement rate: the number of new births needed to maintain the current population. Assuming there is no migration.Doubling Time: the number of years it takes for the population to double if the current rates of natural increase are maintained. Factors which influcence fertility.- high levels of fertility in ledcs. 

1 - Population

2 - Population

3 - Population

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