We Need To Talk About Kevin - created from Mind Map


Apunte sobre We Need To Talk About Kevin - created from Mind Map, creado por Teleah Rachel el 03/11/2014.
Teleah Rachel
Apunte por Teleah Rachel, actualizado hace más de 1 año Más Menos
Teleah Rachel
Creado por Teleah Rachel hace más de 9 años
Teleah Rachel
Copiado a Apunte por Teleah Rachel hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

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Info Directed and adapted by Lynne Ramsay Based on 2003 book Deals with issues of disconnection and violence

Controls and Constraints Developing and funding for the film was a lengthy process Small budget Shot in a short time frame Used real life locations Sets were creatively changed Level of on screen violence was kept to a minimum

Narrative elliptical editing constructs a non-linear narrative Told from Eva's perspective Covers 3 different times in Eva's life Viewer is engaged to discover why she is in this situation Violence in avoided through focussing on character's reactions and emotions as well as symbolism

Context Violence in schools Suburbia, AD and Rep of women Alternative approach by focusing on the reasons behind the actions of the perp Increases in school massacres in the US in late 80s and early 90s Calls for increased communication in families and communities Opposes these representations and challenges the dominant ideologies of the audience Eva opposes the traditional representations of a mother

Scene deconstruction Narrative expectations Mother-Child relationship Establishes a dream-like quality Engages the audience Conveys Eva's psychological state Portrays Eva's feelings of grief, guilt and shame And temporal ambiguity Eva and Kevin have a severely fractured relationship Health and support systems have failed them both Jump cuts are used to represent fractured relationships Suggests that a conversation about these issues need to occur

Resolution Offers a limited sense of closure Reasons for the massacre remain unknown to both characters Eva is positioned as the victim Relationship starts to heal as they communicate

Target Audience Mature due to the themes and narrative structure Enjoy alternative productions Challenged by the representations of motherhood, Suburbia and the American dream

We Need To Talk About Kevin

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Terminología de Biología
Virginia Vera
Delia Marín
Test de Auxiliar de Enfermeria para repaso
Los Derechos Humanos y sus características
Conceptos Generales De Robótica
Diego Santos
Elaboración de mapas mentales
Línea del Tiempo: La Creación de la Tierra
Diseño experimental
Ahtziri Sequeira
01 - Contexto histórico del Renacimiento
Jesús Aguado Álvarez
Asma bronquial en el niño
Preguntas abiertas. La Guerra Civil
Salustiano Gutiérrez Baena