Pig Production Cycle


University (Pig Work) Large Animal Management Apunte sobre Pig Production Cycle, creado por Kate Williams el 20/05/2013.
Kate Williams
Apunte por Kate Williams, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Kate Williams
Creado por Kate Williams hace casi 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

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                                           Pig Production Cycle Gilts Purchased at 190 days of age at 100 kg 42 days - ISOLATION Mate Sows and Gilts - Gilts at 230 days 130 kg Possible return 21 days 85% Conception rate Pregnancy diagnosis 28 + 35 days 2nd Return 42 days Cull Gestation 115 days Farrowing Lactation 21-28 days Weaning W – S 6 days Cull Sows after 6 litter Piglets 7kg, 10 piglets / litter Weaner pig 30 kg 70 days of age Pork pig 65 kg, 120 days of age Bacon pig 100 kg 145 days of age 70-76 Killing Out % = 76 kg Carcass <14mm P2 Backfat 80 – 150 p/kg Value £57 - £114

Performance 2.3 litters per year  23 pigs per sow/yr (range 18-27 p/s/y) 6-7 litters/sow 7 – 95 kg DLWG 650 –850 g/d FCR 2.3 – 2.8

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