Osmosis & Diffusion


Leaving Certificate Biology Fichas sobre Osmosis & Diffusion, creado por Dani O'Rourke el 10/10/2013.
Dani O'Rourke
Fichas por Dani O'Rourke, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Dani O'Rourke
Creado por Dani O'Rourke hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Diffusion is the spread of liquid or gas particles from an area of high to low concentration, until there is an even distribution. e.g. spraying Impulse
Osmosis is a type of diffusion where water molecules move from an area of high water concentration (dilute solution) to low water concentration across a semi permeable membrane, until it is Isotonic (equal concentrations)
CASE ONE: ANIMAL CELL If an animal cell is placed into a beaker of distilled water (100% water), osmosis occurs here because.. ..there is more water outside the cell in the beaker, than inside the cell (99.1%). Water moves through the Selectively Permeable cell membrane. As a result, the cytoplasm gets larger and the cell membrane may burst - called Lysis
CASE TWO: ANIMAL CELL If an animal cell which contains 99.1% water is put in a solution with 98%, osmosis will occur because.. ..there is more water inside the cell (99.1%) than outside (98%). Water moves across the Semi Permeable cell membrane to the outside. As a result, the cytoplasm loses water and the cell shrivels - called Crenation
CASE THREE: ANIMAL CELL If an animal cell which is 99.1% water is placed in a solution which is 99.1% water, osmosis will NOT occur because.. ..there is an equal amount of water on both sides of the cell membrane - called Isotonic
Passive Transport: the movement of particles from more to less, down a concentration gradient, i.e. no energy needed. e.g. osmosis and diffusion Active Transport: the movement of particles from less to more, up a concentration gradient, i.e. energy is need. e.g. uptake of minerals by roots of a plant from the soil
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