Gerard Egan


Values and Principles Mapa Mental sobre Gerard Egan, creado por natashaashley94 el 30/05/2013.
Mapa Mental por natashaashley94, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por natashaashley94 hace alrededor de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Gerard Egan
  1. SOLER
    1. S - square
      1. O - open posture
        1. L - lean forwards
          1. E - eye contact
            1. R - relax
            2. Three Stage Model
              1. 1) The Current Scenario
                1. -Story -Blind Spots -Leverage
                  1. how the helper does this
                    1. be an active listener
                      1. Demonstrate; unconditional positive regard, congruence, empathy
                        1. Paraphase (restate the story to check your understand
                          1. Reflect feelings (check you understand how the person feels)
                      2. 2) The Preferred Scenario
                        1. -Possibilities -Change Angenda -Commitment
                          1. how the helper does this
                            1. Continue to use skills from stage 1
                              1. Communicate a deeper understanding through increasing empathy and congruence
                                1. Help the service user to set SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time scaled
                              2. 3) Action
                                1. - Possible Actions - Best Fit - Plan
                                  1. how the helper does this
                                    1. Continue to use skills from stages 1 and 2
                                      1. Help the service user to evaluate their actions y considering advantages and disadvantges
                                        1. Decided on actions that will lead to the desired outcomes
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