Plant Reproduction


Leaving Certificate Biology Mapa Mental sobre Plant Reproduction, creado por cian.buckley el 03/12/2012.
Mapa Mental por cian.buckley, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por cian.buckley hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Plant Reproduction
  1. Sexual
    1. Flowers
      1. produces male cells
        1. pollen
          1. formed in the anther of the male part
            1. stamen
        2. female cells
          1. egg cells
            1. formed in ovary of female part
              1. carpel
        3. cells join together
          1. form seeds
        4. Reproduction in Plants
          1. Pollination
            1. Transfer of pollen from the stamen (anther) of one plant to the carpel (stigma) of another
            2. Fertilisation
              1. Fusion of male gamete nucleus with the female gamete nucleus to form a zygote
              2. Seed and Fruit Formation
                1. Seed Dispersal
                  1. Germination
                  2. Pollination
                    1. Insect-pollinated
                      1. attract insects
                        1. large, colourful, scented petals
                          1. nectaries to produce nectar
                          2. pollen carried on insects
                            1. stamens/carpels
                              1. inside
                            2. Wind-pollinated
                              1. pollen carried in wind
                                1. much more pollen
                                2. stamens/carpels
                                  1. outside
                              2. Fertilisation
                                1. occurs after pollen has landed on stigma of the carpel
                                  1. pollen tube grows out of the pollen grain
                                    1. grows down through the style of the carpel
                                      1. tube enters ovary which holds the egg
                                    2. male nucleus passes down through the pollen tube and fuses with the female egg nucleus
                                      1. forms zygote
                                        1. Text here
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