Sociology - Unit 2: Education and research methods summary


A level (Unit 2 - education and research methods) sociology Mapa Mental sobre Sociology - Unit 2: Education and research methods summary, creado por Jake Pickup el 09/04/2015.
Jake Pickup
Mapa Mental por Jake Pickup, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Jake Pickup
Creado por Jake Pickup hace alrededor de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Sociology - Unit 2: Education and research methods summary
  1. Education
    1. class differences in achievement (external factors)
      1. class differences in achievement (internal factors)
        1. ethnic differences in achievement
          1. gender differences in achievement
            1. the role of education (functionalism and the new right)
              1. the role of education (marxism)
                1. social policy and inequality
                2. Research methods
                  1. choosing a research method
                    1. education - the research context
                      1. experiments
                        1. social surveys
                          1. questionnaires
                            1. interviews
                              1. participant observation
                                1. secondary sources
                                  1. other types of research
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