
Sabrina Michielan
Flashcards by Sabrina Michielan, updated more than 1 year ago
Sabrina Michielan
Created by Sabrina Michielan about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
FRIDA KAHLO PAINTER She was Mexican. She suffered an accident when she was young and had a lot of surgical operations during her life. Her paintings are influenced by native Mexican culture, shown in bright colours, with a mixture of realism and symbolism.
HEDY LAMARR ACTRESS AND INVENTOR She was born in Austria. She was known as "The Most Beautiful Woman in the World". She also took part in the invention of an important device which is now a component of cell-phone, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth wireless technologies.
JANE GOODALL PRIMATOLOGIST AND ANTHROPOLOGIST She is a scientist that studies primates, like monkeys and apes. She is famous for her work with wild chimpanzees in Africa and for her discoveries about these animals. She studied these animals in the wild for the first time.
ANNE FRANK WRITER She was Jewish . She wrote a famous diary, that she calls "Kitty", where she tells her day-to-day life while hiding from the Nazis. She was 16 years old when she died in a concentration camp.
MARIE CURIE SCIENTIST She was Polish. She discovered two substances which are radioactive: radium and polonium. She was the first person to win two Nobel Prizes: one in physics and one in chemistry.
AMELIA EARHART PILOT One of the first women to fly a plane long distances. She was the first woman to fly a plane by herself across the Atlantic Ocean. She vanished over the South Pacific Ocean in July 1937 while trying to fly around the world.
ROSA PARKS CIVIL RIGHTS ACTIVIST She was called "The Mother of the Freedom Movement". Rosa was sitting in a seat reserved for white people on a bus; the bus driver told her to move but she refused to do so. She was arrested and this led to a bus boycott. The boycott lasted 381 days. This caused a change in the law.
ADA LOVELACE MATHEMATICIAN She was English and was born in 1815. She became the world's first computer programmer. She wrote the program for Charles Babbage's mechanical computer, the analytical engine. She is the author of the first algorithm that was meant to be processed by a machine.
HYPATHIA OF ALEXANDRIA PHILOSOPHER Hypatia was an Egyptian woman who became a symbol of learning and science. She lived in Alexandria during the last years of the Roman Empire. In her time, she was the world’s leading mathematician and astronomer. She also was an important teacher of philosophy.
NELLIE BLY TRAVELLER AND JOURNALIST Nellie became famous for travelling around the world in 72 days and she set the world record at that time. She created a new kind of journalism in the way she investigated things and spread important information around the world.
GABRIELA MISTRAL POET She became the first Latin American woman to win the Nobel prize for literature. Throughout her life she combined writing with a career as an educator, cultural minister, and diplomat;
VALENTINA TERESHKOVA ASTRONAUT She was the first ever woman in space. She made her historic flight at the age of 26 years in 1963. She spent 70 hours 50 minutes in space. She was selected from more than 400 aspirants for her skydiving and parachute jumping skills.
MARGARET THATCHER POLITICIAN She studied Chemistry at the university but she was also interested in politics. She led the Conservative Party and her nickname was "The Iron Lady". She was the first woman to become Prime Minister.
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