gael arturo lozano 1:C


mi trabajo y perdon
Gael Arturo Lozano
Flashcards by Gael Arturo Lozano, updated more than 1 year ago
Gael Arturo Lozano
Created by Gael Arturo Lozano about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
PLAY JUGAR playing is like eating I'm only good at it
RUN Correr I run so much that I could beat the devil himself
Talk Hablar I speak so much that I am a walking pericon
Eat Comer as much as it could burst
To write Escribir I write so much that I don't know what it says
Read Leer I don't read the book of people who betrayed the homeland
To have Tener
Obtain Obtener I get what I want because I can and why I want
Watch Reloj on board there is no more rope than the clock
look Mirar To see clearly, just change the direction of the look
Observe Observar listen and observe, and not be talkative
Build Costruir One, as a writer, always refers to the past to build the characters and shape the story
Preparar prepare If you go sailing, don't get tired when preparing
Do Hacer
Laungh Reir A day without laughing is a day lost
To work Trabajar Before work was a curse, today an obsession
Study Estudiar I love studying so much that I don't do it often
Think pensar A man who does not think for himself, does not think at all
Doctor Doctor lawyer, judge and doctor the farther the better
builder Albañil mason tinker covers the false hole
arquitecto Architect every man is an architect of his own fortune
MUSICO musician The music should touch the musicians
cantante singer even the best singer gets the cock
veterinaria veterinary
contador accountant People always ask me, 'Were you funny as a child?'
carnicero Butcher The butcher, the baker and the candle maker have been around longer than the supermarkets and Wal-Mart.
carpintero Carpenter A carpenter made humanity, and only that carpenter can remake humanity.
enfermera nurse The constant attention of a good nurse can be as important as a surgeon's major surgery.
cajero ATM They usually have two ATMs at my local bank, except when it is very busy, which is when they have one.
libro book to read
lapiz pencil to solve equations
libreta labreta to write or draw
regla ruler to measure things more accurately
lapicero pen to write down the most important
mochila backpack to save my supplies
escritorio desk it works for the teacher
pupitre desk to accommodate us as we write
marcador marker to mark things
refrijerador fridge the refrigerator serves to freeze things
mesa table Well, the table is for eating or putting things
televisor TV well tell me who is still watching TV right now
sofa couch the sofa is like a bed two but a little more tight
microondas microwave oven thanks to the microwave it makes things easier
horno oven I don't know why it works
cuchara spoon
tenedor fork eating soup with a fork is the worst
cuchillo knife hurts more than your ex
mama mom
papa father
abuelo grandfather My grandfather is more wrinkled than me when I'm steaming
abuela Grandma my grandmother is more wrinkled than me when I go to the steam
hermano brother my brother is so angry that hernias are going to come out
hermana sister Well, my sister is pretty that leaves everyone stunned
hermanastro step brother my half brother are loyal like my dad
stepsister my half sister looks like a child but it isn't
padrastro stepfather my half-father says I was a mistake
madrastra stepmother my stepmother disliked me for being beautiful she says
tia aunt my aunt loves gossip
tio uncle my uncle likes to drink
primo cousin my cousin has a big family to protect
prima cousin my cousin has a lot to live
bebe baby I would like to go back to being a baby
vecino neighbour my neighbors look like snakes just in person
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