
Flashcards on EXAMPLES OF VARIABLE TITLE, created by diana koelliker on 18/09/2019.
diana koelliker
Flashcards by diana koelliker, updated more than 1 year ago
diana koelliker
Created by diana koelliker about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
TITLE: "Effect of the addition of extracts of the medicinal mushroom Ganoderma Lucidum on the inflammatory route in the liver of a animal model " VERB OF ACTION: Effect INDEPENDENT VARIABLES: Extracts of the medicinal mushroom Ganoderma Lucidum DEPENDENT VARIABLES: Inflammatory route in the liver POPULATION: animal model
TITLE: "Relationship of diet and protein consumption with strength in different representative sport teams of UPAEP" VERB OF ACTION: Relationship INDEPENDENT VARIABLES: Diet, Protein consumption DEPENDENT VARIABLE: Strength POPULATION: representative sport teams of UPAEP
TITLE: "Effect of omega 3 supplementation on BMI and body composition in obese women" VERB OF ACTION: Effect INDEPENDENT VARIABLES: omega 3 supplementation DEPENDENT VARIABLE: BMI, Body composition POPULATION: obese women
TITLE: "Analysis of deficiencies of essential fatty acids and their relationship with body composition in UPAEP athletes" VERB OF ACTION: Analysis INDEPENDENT VARIABLE: Deficiencies of essential FA DEPENDENT VARIABLE: Body composition POPULATION: UPAEP athletes
TITLE: "Evaluation of risk factors for the development of type II Diabetes Mellitus in medical students of the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla" VERB OF ACTION: Evaluation INDEPENDENT VARIABLE: not stated in the title (sex, gender, genetics...) DEPENDENT: risk factors for DMII POPULATION: BUAP medical students
"Evaluation of the technofunctional and nutritional characteristics of a functional beverage based on Tamarillo" VERB OF ACTION: Evaluation INDEPENDENT VARIABLE: not specified in title but is concentration of Tamarillo addition DEPENDENT VARIABLES: technofunctional, nutritional characteristics POPULATION: doesn´t applies
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