rosa y azul


Flashcards on rosa y azul, created by Yara Ramos Nuñez on 20/04/2020.
Yara Ramos Nuñez
Flashcards by Yara Ramos Nuñez, updated more than 1 year ago
Yara Ramos Nuñez
Created by Yara Ramos Nuñez about 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
to be ser/estar
to eat comer
to drink beber
to read leer
to write escribir
to speak hablar
to see ver
to thouch tocar
to hear oir
to find encontrar
to happen suceder, pasar o ocurrir
to err errar o equibocarse
to remenber recordar
to go ir
to do hacer
to know saber o conocer
to say decir
to want querer
to stay permenecer o quedarse
to give dar
to come venir
to accept aceptar
to let dejar o permitir
to need necesita
to think pensar
to wait esperar
to pass atravesar o pasar
to like gustar
to feel sentir
to arribe llegar
to return regresar
to meet conocer/encontrar
to try intentar
to stop parar
to look mirar/observar
to understand entender
to help ayudar
to take tocar
to use utilizar
to work trabajar
to lose perder
to stroll pasear
to walk andar/caminar
to open abrir
to bring traer
to forgive disculpar/perdon
to follow seguir
to put colocar/poner
to love amar
to change cambiar
to forget olvidar
to show mostrar/enseñar
to win ganar
to keep mantener/guardar/conservar
to pay pagar
to ask preguntar/pedir
to play jugar/tocar(un instrumento)actuar
to sleep dormir
to leave partir/salir
to run correr
to buy comprar
to end terminar/fininalizar
to fall caerse
to sell vender
to decide decidir
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