Conversation #2: Chapter 1


SNH1030 otoño 2020: Practice of asking questions, colors and classroom vocabulary.
Anneliese Thomae Elias
Flashcards by Anneliese Thomae Elias, updated more than 1 year ago
Anneliese Thomae Elias
Created by Anneliese Thomae Elias about 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Introduce yourself in Spanish! Greet, say your name, and where you are from
We are going to practice to ask questions when you are meeting new people! Ask in Spanish to one of your group members: 1) how are they, 2) how old are they, 3) where are they from, Reply to the questions in Spanish!
Describe your room with "hay" Describe your room with “hay” (say at least 4 things): Example: En mi habitación hay... tres posters, un escritorio, dos sillas, etc…
Practice the vocabulary! Indicate at least one item that you need in each of the following situations. Include more than one when possible: a) en una clase de español. For example: ¡Una computadora!
Practice the vocabulary! Indicate at least one item that you need in each of the following situations. Include more than one when possible: b) haciendo senderismo (hiking) en una montaña.
Practice the vocabulary! Indicate at least one item that you need in each of the following situations. Include more than one when possible: c) en la residencia.
Practice the vocabulary! Indicate at least one item that you need in each of the following situations. Include more than one when possible: d) en la oficina del profesor/o de la profesora.
Practice the vocabulary! Indicate at least one item that you need in each of the following situations. Include more than one when possible: e) en el centro estudiantil.
How often? Vocab that you will need to answer the following questions! Hear the audio for pronunciation.
How often do you do the following activities? To express how often you do something you can use the following words: a) caminar (to walk) al campus.
How often do you do the following activities? To express how often you do something you can use the following words: b) bailar (to dance) en la ducha (shower).
How often do you do the following activities? To express how often you do something you can use the following words: c) llamar (to call) a mis amigos.
How often do you do the following activities? To express how often you do something you can use the following words: d) trabajar (to work) por la noche (at night).
How often do you do the following activities? To express how often you do something you can use the following words: e) estudiar (to study) español.
How often do you do the following activities? To express how often you do something you can use the following words: f) preguntar (to ask) mis dudas (literally means doubts, but in this context it refers to “my questions”) a la profesora.
How often do you do the following activities? To express how often you do something you can use the following words: g) pasar el tiempo (to spend time) aprendiendo algo nuevo (learning something new).
How often do you do the following activities? To express how often you do something you can use the following words: h) mirar (to watch) Netflix .
How well? Vocab that you will need for the following questions! Hear the audio for pronunciation!
How well do you do the following activities? To express how well you do something you can use the following words: a) tocar (literally to touch but in this context means to play) un instrumento (an instrument, like la guitarra, el piano, el ukelele, etc).
How well do you do the following activities? To express how well you do something you can use the following words: b) dibujar (to sketch/draw) personas.
How well do you do the following activities? To express how well you do something you can use the following words: c) Practicar (to practice) deportes (sports, like fútbol / voleibol / natación / básquetbol, etc.).
How well do you do the following activities? To express how well you do something you can use the following words: d) terminar (to finish) las tareas de español a tiempo (on time).
How well do you do the following activities? To express how well you do something you can use the following words: e) hablar (to talk) en español.
How well do you do the following activities? To express how well you do something you can use the following words: f) bailar (to dance) en público (in public).
How well do you do the following activities? To express how well you do something you can use the following words: g) cantar (to sing) con la música de mi MP3/celular (cellphone).
How well do you do the following activities? To express how well you do something you can use the following words: h) estudiar español.
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