Arely Juárez Castro


Cards about the topic of Interactive cards.
Juárez Castro Arely
Flashcards by Juárez Castro Arely, updated more than 1 year ago
Juárez Castro Arely
Created by Juárez Castro Arely over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
INTERACTIVE CARDS Arely Juárez Castro 10B There are different ways of working the ING and some will be explained below.
Progressive / continuous Example: The kids are learning English.
Sujet / Objet A subject can be a noun or a pronoun. These subjects carry out the actions. Example: SUJET: Cooking is his passion. OBJET: His passion is cooking,
After preposition Note that prepositions include time, place, people, and things. Example: This key is for opening the door.
Adjective Adjectives respond to how things are. Example: It was a challenging game.
After some verbs Examples: I like eating pizza. We love going to the cinema movies.
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