Vocabulary PNF 1r ESO


. English Flashcards on Vocabulary PNF 1r ESO, created by .. .. on 07/06/2016.
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Flashcards by .. .., updated more than 1 year ago
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Created by .. .. over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
It was cold, Dr. Mason was tired and he didn’t _________ getting out of his sleeping bag to see if Jackstraw was right. feel like
After listening to the noise the engine of the plane was making, he realized that it _________. was in trouble
Balto was always able to control the dog, even when they were unwilling and _______. bad-tempered
Only after lying in his sleeping bag for 15 minutes, had he ________ creating a little warmth. succeed in
As soon as Mason jumped into the cabin, he looked around and saw the second pilot who had dreadful_______. injuries
When they found the radio operator in the plane, he was still alive but he was badly injured and was _________heavily. bleeding
If the pilots knew that the crash ___________, why weren’t the passengers wearing seatbelts? was unavoidable
It took them five minutes to get to the cabin, and once there, they _______the oil lamps and started to examine the passengers. lit
Dr. Mason looked at the dead radio operator and knew the cause of his death, but he ________ the passengers. lied to
Corazzini said he was flying to Scotland to ________ a new tractor company. take over
Suddenly everybody had a question and Mason put up his hands in protest-he would answer all their questions, but _________ one at a time
Corazzini shook his portable radio, but it was a total ________ wrecked/loss
Margaret said nothing about the bruise-she didn’t want to ______Mason. bother
Jackstraw looked fresh and fully ________, and started melting ice on the stove. rested
They threw a coin to see who would sleep on the floor and Corazzini accepted________ defeat
Mason was lying in his sleeping bag and he was pleased to notice that he managed to create a little __________inside it. warmth
Before they could leave for long journey, they had to go back to the airplane and get everyone’s _________. luggage
It was dark and if the pilot did not see the small ice-hills, he could easily _______ them. crash into
When the plane landed and the saw no sign of fire anywhere, they breathed with_______. relief
Jackstraw who was strong and fit, needed no ________in jumping into the cabin. assistance
They were only nine passengers and it was surprising that almost all were _______although they were anxious. unhurt
The Reverend said a few words over the ________when they buried the radio operator. grave
The stewardess said that she knocked the table and the transmitter ________. fell off
The stewardess was sitting by the radio operator, she was pale and ________ violently. was shivering
Jackstraw, who _________ early, lit the oil lamp and made some coffee. was up
Dr. Mason knew who was Mrs. Dansby-Gregg was, but he________ he had never seen her. pretended
The man who promised Mason to get another radio, looked like someone who could _______ any solution. deal with
If they stayed in the cabin, they would ________to death because there wasn’t enough food for all. starve
Margaret couldn’t work any more-her back was hurt and she ________. was in pain
The stewardess __________when she realized that the radio operator was dead. It wasn’t particularly loud, but it had a frightening quality. screamed
Mason heard a sound and __________behind a seat quickly. hid
To kill the radio operator, somebody used a pillow to stop him _________. breathing
Mrs. Dansby-Gregg was insensitive and _______. She only thought about herself. selfish
Dr. Mason decided to ______everyone _____guns, but he didn’t find any. search for
Jackstraw, who had a lot of experience, was studying the ice-cap looking for changes in the snow which could _______him of danger. warn
Mahler was a Russian Jew who had been ________to escape from his country. forced
Mason looked at the card which Mahler took out of his pocket, ________it and gave it back to Malher. folded
Mahler didn’t say anything about his condition because he knew that they had other problems _________. to deal with
The scientists announced that they were going to travel at top speed without stopping and asked the passengers if they had any ________. objections
The Northern Light were very beautiful but they could _________ making the radio reception difficult. cause trouble
After some time, all the passengers and also the scientists were ___________hunger, cold and lack of sleep. exhausted from
Mahler was _________rapidly and he had to get some insulin urgently. weakening
When the radio was finally repaired, they, ________ Hillcrest who told them that he was coming after them. made contact with
The travellers were moving very slowly to give Hillcrest the chance _________them. overtake
The criminals __________their cleverness when they discovered that Mason made contact with Hillcrest. proved
When Mason realized that he couldn’t see the snow sticks, he ________his stupidity. cursed
The criminal knew that shooting Dr. Mason would have been a stupid way of_________him, so he hid the snow sticks. getting rid of
The scientists knew that the killer was amongst them, but they had no ________. proof
Mason__________ the stewardess to the kitchen area where he accused her of drugging the passengers. led
When Mason understood that Margaret was innocent, he asked her _________ him. to forgive
The passengers were __________to Arctic conditions but they knew that they couldn’t stay in the cabin. unused
Only one person seemed to be _______: they had no doubts that Marie LeGarde was innocent. above suspicion
In the darkness of the night they saw the plane: somebody ________it and it was burning! had set fire to
They couldn’t see much so they used the ________to show them the right route. compass
All the passengers were worried about Mahler and ________ for his health. showed concern
In the morning, the engine was frozen, so they had _________ to heat it up.
Dr. Mason finally ________to repair the radio so they knew that Hillcrest was coming after them. managed
Mason was becoming very worried about Margaret because he was _________ her. fond of
One night, trying to contact Hillcrest, something heavy _________Mason on the forehead. hit
The _________sugar was found in the petrol: the criminals put it there. missing
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