English: lesson 4 Vaughan


Review lesson 4
Àlex Lluch
Flashcards by Àlex Lluch, updated more than 1 year ago
Àlex Lluch
Created by Àlex Lluch about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
ordenado tidy He's tidier than this brother is
sabroso tasty My desert is tastier than yours
comprensivo understanding comprehensive (uso más frecuente) He is more undersanding than her
exigente demanding She is more demanding than him
sillón armchair This armchair is more comfortabl than my sofa
Él es mejor en matemáticas que yo Yo soy peor con los idiomas que tú He is better AT mathematics than I am He is worse AT languages than you are
Cada vez es más difícil It's more and more difficult or It's harder and harder TO
raro unusual
mariquita ladybird
sobrino Mi sobrino es cada vez más fuerte nephew My nephew is becoming stronger and stronger
de vez en cuando from time to time every now and again
Le duele la cabeza de vez en cuando She has headaches every now and again (or from time to time)
De vez en cuando él se enfada mucho From time to time he gets REALLY angry
¿sabes conducir? Do you know HOW TO drive?
Nunca supo cocinar bien She never knew HOW TO cook very well
No sabe llevarse bien con la gente He doesn't know how to GET ON WITH people
Ella sabe tocar el piano Sho knows how to play the piano
siempre sabía como encandilar a los hombres She always knew how to charm the men
encandilar to charm
Sé hablar ruso I know how to speak Russian
tratar (con alguien) deal (with someone)
No sabía como tratar con su nuevo jefe He didn't know how to deal with his new boss
recoger pick up
No les recogiste a la hora indicada You didn't pick them up at the right time
¿Dónde te recojo? (realizar una propuesta) Where shall I pick you up?
folleto brochure
amenaza ¿Es una amenaza? threat Is that a threat?
nublado Hoy está nublado cloudy It's cloudy today
trigo wheat
ir andando go on foot
¿Tus hijos nacieron en España? Were your children born in Spain?
¿Dónde naciste? Where were you born?
¿En qué año nació Beethoven? What year was Beethoven born?
anteayer the day before yesterday
La vida es cada vez más cara Life is becoming more and more expensive
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