Radiographic Exposure- Unit 4: Exposure Technique


Flashcards on Radiographic Exposure- Unit 4: Exposure Technique, created by Alex Ertmer on 28/09/2017.
Alex Ertmer
Flashcards by Alex Ertmer, updated more than 1 year ago
Alex Ertmer
Created by Alex Ertmer almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
A quality radiographic image accurately represents the: Anatomic area of interest
The _____ of the anatomic structures & the ______ of their structural lines recorded determine the overall ______ of the radiographic image. Visibility Accuracy Quality
Visibility of the recorded detail refers to the _____ & _____ of the image. Brightness Contrast
Amount of luminance (light emission) of a display monitor. Brightness
Amount of overall blackness on the processed image. Density
Another term for brightness. Density
The primary factor that affects the amount of brightness/density produced in an image is the amount or quantity of radiation (_____) reaching the IR. mAs
____ ____ has more of an effect on the brightness of the image rather than mAs. Computer Processing
A lack of contrast makes an object appear: Homogenous
Differences in the brightness levels or densities. Contrast
The range of brightness levels is a result of the _____ differential attenuation of the x-ray photons. Tissues'
What tells you that you used the correct technique factors that the IR received? Exposure Indicator
The four MAJOR things to evaluate for a properly exposed radiograph is: Detail Distortion Contrast Density
Sets the midpoint of the range of densities visible in the image. Window Level
Moving the window down down to a low pixel value (Decreases/Increases) ______ the brightness on the display monitor. Decreases
Moving the window level up to a high pixel value (Decreases/Increases) ______ overall brightness on the display monitor. Increases
______ controls the radiographic contrast. Window Width
A narrow window width means: Lower Contrast
A wider window width means: Higher Contrast
The product of mAs is: mA & Time
Directly proportional to the amount (quantity) of radiation. Milliamperage (mA)
Directly proportional to radiation quantity. Exposure time (Time)
mA X Time = mAs
As mAs is increased, the quantity of radiation reaching the IR is (Increased/Decreased) _______. Increased
As mAs is decreased, quantity of radiation reaching the IR is (Increased/Decreased) ______. Decreased
A visible change in density requires a minimum amount of change in mAs be ______. 30%
mA & time have an inverse proportional relationship when _____ the same mAs. Maintaining
Doubling or halving your mAs means you're: Doubling or halving your density.
This alters the amount & penetrating ability of the x-ray beam. Kilovoltage
Increasing or decreasing the ____ changes the amount of radiation exposure to the IR, and the contrast produced within the image. kVp
A change of 15% in kVp will cause a doubling or halving of the density on the radiograph. (The same way doubling/halving the mAs affects on image) 15% Rule
Quantum Noise/Mottle occurs because of: Low mAs
Over exposure to the patient occurs because of: High mAs
When increasing the kVp by 15%, you need to decrease the mAs by ____. Half
When decrease the kVp by 15%, you need to increase the mAs by ____. Double
Maintaining the density by applying by the ___ Rule. 15% Rule
The controlling factor of contrast. kVp
An increase in ____ causes a difference in the X-ray tube because it's causing more energy photons. kVp
When an anatomic structure shows up too white, you need to _____ kVp because to much was absorbed & NOT reaching the IR. Increase kVp
What are the technical factors affecting density? kVp mAs
What are the geometric factors affecting density? SID FSS Anode Heel Effect
What materialistic factors affect density? Filtration Beam Restriction Grids
Distance or SID will alter the _____ of the x-ray beam reaching the IR according to the inverse square law. Intensity
Increased kVp yields increased _____. Scatter Radiation
SID or Distance affects the amount of radiation reaching the _____ & _____. Patient & IR
As the distance increases, the same amount of radiation will spread over an area that is created than the original, decreasing the beam's ______. Intensity
X-ray photons diverge as they travel _____ from the source. Away
If the distance is (Longer/Shorter) ______, the photons of not diverge as much & are then concentrated on a smaller area. Shorter
The intensity of the x-ray beam is _____ proportional to the square of the distance from the source. Inversely
Increase distance (SID), ______ (Increase/Decrease) the intensity of the beam, which (Increases/Decreases) _____ the density on the image. Decreases & Decreases
The intensity of the x-ray beam is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source. Inverse Square Law
A (Smaller/Larger) _______ focal spot will utilize greater incident electron stream vs. (Small/Large) _______ focal spot. Larger/Small
______ Only affects density when unit not calibrated correctly. Focal Spot Size
_______ Involves the intensity of radiation within the x-ray beam & the effect that this would have on the density on the image. Anode Heel Effect
Anode Heel Effect depends on: -SID -Field Size -Part -Angle of Anode
Anode Heel Effect is more pronounced: -Collimation is wide open -With a large IR -With shorter SID -Steeper Anode Angle
You should only repeat an image technique wise if you need to make a ______ change. 50% Change
Two #'s to remember mAs with when changing techniques. -30% -Double/Half
Photons are created at the ______. Focal Spot
The smaller the focal spot, the better the _____. Detail
The bigger the focal spot, the worse the ______. Detail
Manufacturers automatically control the ______ of radiation that the focal spots cam produce. Quantity
Focal Spot routinely affects density? (TRUE/FALSE) False
The Anode side of the tube, the beam is (More/Less) _______ intense. On the Cathode side of the tube, the beam is (More/Less) ______. -Less -More
Beam intensity is measure in ______ Roegtan or milliroegtan
______ of the beam is not uniform throughout all parts of the beam. Intensity
The variation in beam intensity is greater at a ______. Shorter SID
Variation of intensity can be as much as ______% change between anode & cathode sides. **Can be more pronounced with steeper angle** 45%
The anode should be placed at the _____ of the bed. Head end of the table
______ body part should be towards the cathode. Thickest
______ part if the body should be towards the anode side of the table. Thinner
The intensity of the beam is greater at the _______ side of the X-ray tube. Cathode
Have a proper placement of the part means a more uniform density along the ______ ______ of the image. Long Axis
Beam is weaker on the anode side of the tube than on the cathode side (Put anode side of tube by thinnest body part in the beam). Anode Heel Effect
______ affects x-ray quantity. **Results in higher beam quality** Filtration
Even though filters reduce the intensity of the primary beam, they do NOT reduce the intensity of the ____ ____ reaching the IR. Remnant Beam
Radiographic density will (Increase/Decrease) ______ whenever filtration is added. Decrease
Beam restrictors includes: -Collimation -Aperture Diaphragms -Cones/Cylinders
Reducing field size will ______ density. (Increase/Decrease) Decrease
Why does reducing the field size decrease density? Because it will decrease unwanted scatter.
The purpose of a grid is to remove: Scatter before it reaches the IR.
The higher the grid ratio, the (More/Less) _____ for density. Less
Adding, removing, or changing grids require an adjustment in _____ to maintain radiation exposure to the IR. mAs
The amount of the beam that is absorbed by the patient depends on: -Thickness of part -Type of tissue (Atomic #) -Contrast Material -Pathology
Thickness of body part can be altered by: -Patient's Age -Pathology -Body Habitus -Body Development (PEDS/GER/ADULT) -Cast Materials -Tube Angulation
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