

A level French Flashcards on 2.1, created by Helena Griffith on 29/09/2017.
Helena Griffith
Flashcards by Helena Griffith, updated more than 1 year ago
Helena Griffith
Created by Helena Griffith almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
l'abus (m) abuse (of substances)
actif(ve) working person
ancien(ne) former
l'asile (m) asylum, refuge
atteint(e) (de) suffering from
aveugle blind
le banlieusard person living in the suburbs
le chômage unemployment
le/la chômeur/euse unemployed person
le clochard tramp
défavorisé(e) underprivileged, disadvataged
le/la demandeur/euse d'emploi job seeker
démuni destitute
déraciné(e) uprooted, without roots
disposer de to have at one's disposal
éprouver to experience
en errance wandering, roaming
l'état (m) state
ethnique ethnic
l'exclusion (f) exclusion
la frange fringe
handicapé(e) disabled
homosexuel(le) homosexual
l'immigré(e) immigrant
l'inclusion (f) inclusion
injuste unfair
insuffisant(e) insufficient
le licenciement redundancy
le lieu (avoir lieu) place (to take place)
le logement housing
mal logé(e) badly housed
le manque the lack
marginal(e) marginal
la marginalisation marginalisation
la minorité the minority
monoparental(e) single-parent
la pauvreté poverty
la précarité (financial) insecurity
la racine the root
le/la réfugié(e) refugee
rencontrer meet, encounter
les ressources (fpl) resources
retraité(e) retired
le/la sans-abri homeless person
le/la SDF homeless person
se séparer to split up, separate
le seuil the threshold (of poverty)
seul(e) alone
la société society
souffrir to suffer
sourd(e) deaf
suffisant(e) sufficient
le taux the rate
toucher affect
la victime the victim
vulnérable vulnerable
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