patterns of urban environments


Flashcards on patterns of urban environments, created by Ella Mingay on 02/10/2017.
Ella Mingay
Flashcards by Ella Mingay, updated more than 1 year ago
Ella Mingay
Created by Ella Mingay almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
WHAT ARE THE PUSH FACTORS FOR RURAL-URBAN MIGRATION - Population Growth= same area of land has to support increasing numbers of people (low yields, soil erosion... over farming). - Agricultural problems= desertification - due to climate change/ drought - Disease and lack of medical supplies -driven off land (e.g for cash crops for TNCs) -natural disasters -wars &civil conflict
WHAT ARE THE PULL FACTORS (attracting) FOR RURAL-URBAN MIGRATION - Better employment opportunities/ better pay - Earning money from the informal sector (selling goods on streets/ taxies) -better quality of social provisions (healthcare, education, entertainment, tourism) - media's perception= better quality of life
what is the definition of urbanisation increase in proportion of a countries population that lives in cities.
What are the factors involving NATURAL POPULATION GROWTH - urban areas tend to have a younger age profile (higher number of young people migrating to cities to seek better employment, education and increase of social and cultural diversities) - e.g. 2001-2011 large cities population in the UK double (ages range of 22-29) - these migrants have high fertility rates therefore settle and cause urban growth, rather than settling in suburban areas like before because commuting costs are expensive. ( Clapton-Fulham area called 'nappy valley' due to young dependants fertility rates) - overall due to young population in cities fertility rates higher there than in rural areas.
definition of urban growth the increase in number of urban dwellers.
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