Skeletal system: scapula and clavicle


Flashcards on Skeletal system: scapula, created by Jes Gandara on 10/04/2017.
Jes Gandara
Flashcards by Jes Gandara, updated more than 1 year ago
Jes Gandara
Created by Jes Gandara over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
In this posterior view of the scapula, What bony landmark is shaded green Acromion
In this posterior view, What bony landmark is shaded red Coracoid Process
In this posterior view, What bony landmark is shaded purple Supraspinatus fossa
In this posterior view, What bony landmark is shaded orange Infraspinatus fossa
In this posterior view, What bony landmark is shaded yellow Glenoid fossa
In this anterior (costal) view of the scapula what is shaded blue Subscapular fossa
In this anterior (costal) view of the scapula what is shaded red Coracoid process
In this anterior (costal) view of the scapula what is shaded green Acromion
In this posterior view of the scapula where is the spine It runs transversely across the scapula dividing the spuraspinatus fossa (purple) and the infraspinatus fossa (orange)
In this lateral view of the scapula which bony landmark is between the red and yellow shades Supraglenoid Tubercle
In this lateral view of the scapula which bony landmark is shaded Yellow Glenoid fossa
In this lateral view of the scapula which bony landmark is directly inferior to the area shaded yellow Infralenoid tubercle
What is the left most end of the clavicle called Sternal end
What section of the clavicle is shaded red Connie tubercle
What part of the clavicle is shaded yellow Trapezoid line
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