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cyber crim is bad
Flashcards by cyber crim is bad, updated more than 1 year ago
cyber crim is bad
Created by cyber crim is bad over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Weight Mass x Gravitational Field Strength (g)
Work Done Force x Distance (Along the line of action of the force)
Force applied to a spring Spring Constant x Extension
Moment of a Force Force x Distance (Normal to direction of force
Pressure Force normal to a surface ÷ Area of that surface
Distance travelled Speed x Time
Acceleration Change in velocity ÷ Time taken
Resultant force Mass x Acceleration
Momentum Mass x Acceleration
Kinetic Energy 0.5 x mass x (speed)^2
Gravitational Potential Energy Mas x Grav. Field Strength x Height
Power Energy Transferred ÷ Time
Power Work Done ÷ Time
Efficiency Useful output energy transfer÷ total input energy transfer
Efficiency Useful power output ÷ Total power input
Wave speed Frequency x Wavelength
Charge Flow Current x Time
Potential Difference Current x Resistance
Power Potential Difference x Current
Power (Current)^2 x Resistance
Energy Transferred Power x Time
Energy Transferred Charge Flow x Potential Difference
Density Mass ÷ Volume
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