Data types


Flashcards on Data types, created by Jaykob Ralph on 04/12/2017.
Jaykob Ralph
Flashcards by Jaykob Ralph, updated more than 1 year ago
Jaykob Ralph
Created by Jaykob Ralph almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
How do you convert from hexadecimal to decimal? You first convert the number to Binary and then convert the Binary to Decimal. e.g. 5D in Binary is 01011101 this in Decimal is 93.
How do you convert from Decimal to Hexadecimal? To do this you divide your number by 16 keeping track of the remainder in Hexadecimal. You repeat this until your number is 0.
How do you convert from Binary to Decimal? To convert from Binary to Decimal you write your 8-bit code under the numbers 128, 64, 32,16, 8, 4, 2, 1 Then you add up all the instances where 1 is present. e.g. 128 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 00111011 This would be 59
What is 72 in Hexadecimal? 72 in Hexadecimal is 48
What is B7 in Decimal? B7 in Binary is 10110111 10110111 in Decimal is 183 B7 in Decimal is 183
What is F4 in Decimal? F4 in Binary is 11110100 11110100 in Decimal is 244 F4 in Decimal is 244
Convert E8 into Decimal. E8 in Binary is 11101000 11101000 in Decimal is 232 E8 in Decimal is 232
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