Parts of brain with functions


Flashcards on Parts of brain with functions, created by Kamila Woloszyn on 22/08/2014.
Kamila Woloszyn
Flashcards by Kamila Woloszyn, updated more than 1 year ago
Kamila Woloszyn
Created by Kamila Woloszyn over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Hypothalamus Regulates temperature, cools body down, regulates thirst and hunger.
Amygdala Regulates fear
Cerebral Cortex Used for complex thinking.
Cerebellum Controls balance and motor functions.
Corpus Collosum Connects the left and right hemispheres allowing communication.
Pons Connects lower and upper parts of the brain, controls sleeping and relaxation.
Medulla oblongata The lower part of the brain stem which controls breathing, heart rate and swallowing.
Thalamus Relays information from sensory receptors to appropriate parts of the brain.
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