Business Ethics: Key Terms


Izzy Noone
Flashcards by Izzy Noone, updated more than 1 year ago
Izzy Noone
Created by Izzy Noone over 6 years ago

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Question Answer
Conservationism A movement that aims at conserving the environment.
An instrumentalist view A view which sees resources as being there to be used.
Shallow ecology Another term for Conservationism
Deep ecology Sees all species as having intrinsic value.
The Gaia hypothesis The notion that the Earth itself can be understood as a massive biological organism which acts intelligently to preserve life.
James Lovelock (1919- ) Creator of the Gaia hypothesis
Aldo Leopold (1887-1948) Mainly famous for A Sand County Almanac (1949) which advocates a ‘land ethic’, or a responsible relationship between people and the land they inhabit
Arne Næss (1912-2009) Norwegian Professor of Philosophy and environmentalist who claimed that Conservation is a superficial approach to environmental problems.
‘Ecosophy’ Næss’s view that all living things – not just animals, but plants and bacteria too – have rights.
St Augustine (354- 430 CE) Held that animals are not rational, and since rational beings should rule irrational beings, humans should rule animals.
St Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274 Held a similar position: animals exist to serve humans, because God created the universe as a hierarchy: Himself at the top and humans well above animals.
Andrew Linzey Says humans should treat all animals in relation to their intrinsic God-given worth.
Stewardship The Christian belief that we should look after the planet on God’s behalf because He commissioned us to do so.
Milton Friedman (1912-2006) Wrote the 1970 essay, The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits:
Communism A movement that believes only the abolition of capitalism/ business will solve the problems of humanity.
Stakeholders People whose interests the business directly affects.
Shareholders/ stockholders People who hold shares or stocks, certificates entitling them to part ownership of the business.
The Advertising Standards Authority A regulatory body that applies the rules businesses must observe in the UK in advertising (although it doesn’t write them).
Positive Discrimination/ affirmative action Discrimination in favour of a person, usually justified as countering the effects of a history of discrimination against the group to which he/ she belongs.
A whistleblower Someone who informs on his own company for dishonest or illegal practices
‘Gagging order’ A contractual agreement whereby an employee is retired with a large sum of money in return for an agreement to remain silent about shady dealings.
Kyoto Conference on Climate Change in 1998 A global conference in Japan that aimed to reduce the world’s greenhouse emissions.
Globalisation The process whereby the world’s economies have become ever more integrated, with trade barriers coming down to facilitate the movement of goods, services and labour between countries with increasing ease.
Naomi Klein’s "The Shock Doctrine 2007" A book that purported to show how Western businesses have taken advantage of developing world crises to ‘open up’ markets and transfer wealth to the already wealthy.
Paul Krugman (1953-) A Nobel Prize winning economist who admits that globalisation can look like a bad thing, but thinks its opponents often make things worse.
The Ferengi A fictional race of business people (in Star Trek: The Next Generation), driven by a biological desire for financial profit.
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