

All about Jaundice
Lucy Richardson
Flashcards by Lucy Richardson, updated more than 1 year ago
Lucy Richardson
Created by Lucy Richardson over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Jaundice Jaundice refers to the yellow discolouration of the sclera and skin that is due to hyperbilirubinaemia (this usually occurs at around bilirubin levels >50 µmol/L).
Bilirubin Jaundice results from high levels of bilirubin in the blood. Bilirubin is the normal breakdown product from the catabolism of haem and thus is formed from the destruction of red blood cells.
3 types of Jaundice 1- Pre-Hepatic 2-Hepatocellular 3-Post-Hepatic
Pre-Hepatic In pre-hepatic jaundice, there is excessive red cell breakdown which overwhelms the liver’s ability to conjugate bilirubin.
Hepatocellular In hepatocellular jaundice, there is dysfunction of the liver itself. The liver loses the ability to conjugate bilirubin,
Post-Hepatic Post-hepatic jaundice refers to obstruction of biliary drainage. The bilirubin that is not excreted will have been conjugated by the liver
Potential Causes for Jaundice 1. Pre- Hepatic- Haemolytic anaemia 2. Hepatocellular- Alcoholic liver disease 3. Post-Hepatic- Gallstones
Laboratory test 1. Liver function tests (LFTs) 2. Coagulation studies (PT can be used as a marker of liver synthesis function) 3. FBC (anaemia, raised MCV, and thrombocytopenia all seen in liver disease)
Treatment For genetic conditions that don't get better, like sickle cell anaemia, a blood transfusion may be given to replenish red blood cells in the body. If the bile duct system is blocked, an operation may be needed to unblock it. During these procedures measures may be taken to help prevent further problems, such as removal of the gallbladder. If the liver is found to be seriously damaged a liver transplant
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