The Development Gap


Geography Flashcards on The Development Gap, created by on 09/06/2013.
Flashcards by, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by almost 11 years ago

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Question Answer
Why is the North/South divide no longer valid? (4) (1) Doesn't differentiate between rates of development (2) Economies are becoming more varied (3) Doesn't reflect political, social or cultural factors (4) Doesnt account for differences within the country
What are the 5 ways of splitting up the world? (1) Rich industrializing countries (2) Oil exporting countries (3) Newly industrializing countries (3) Former communist countries (5) Heavily indebted poor countries
What is 'Gross Domestic Product'? The total value of goods and services a country produces in a year
What is HDI? Human Development Index: Which is a number calculated using life expectancy, literacy rate, education rate and income per head
What is the 'Physical Quality of Life Index'? Average of the 3 factors: Literacy Rate, Infant Mortality and Life Expectancy
What are the limitations of using only one measure of development? (3) (1) Averages so do not show variations within a country (2) GNI/GDP are economic measures so do not involve social/cultural aspects (3) As a country develops, some aspects develop before others (inaccurate)
What is the difference between quality of life and standard of living? Standard of living measures material wealth and is a quantitative index. Quality of life is a personal view of what people value in life and accounts standard of living and other things
What are environmental factors that cause global inequality? (5) (1) Poor climate (2) Poor farming land (3) Limited water supply (4) Natural hazards (5) Few raw materials
What are political factors that cause global inequality? (3) (1) Unstable government (2) Corrupt government (3) War
What are economic factors that cause global inequality? (3) (1) Poor trade links (2) Lots of debt (3) Economy based on primary products
What are social factors that cause global inequality? (3) (1) Lack of drinking water (2) Place of women (3) Child education
What is fair trade and what does it offer? (4) Fair trade is the fair price on goods produced in poorer countries. It offers (1) minimum guaranteed wage, (2) long term contract for security, (3) skills training to develop business and (4) extra money to help develop area where goods came from
What are trading groups? Groups of countries that make agreements to reduce barriers to trade (e.g. tarrifs) in order to make trading between the group easier
What are conservation swaps? Debt is paid off in exchange for investment in conservation
What is aid? Aid is given to another country in the form of money or resources in order to improve the standard of living in the country. It is given by governments or NGOs.
What is difference between bilateral aid and multilateral aid? Bilateral aid is given by one government to another whereas multilateral aid is when developed countries give money to international organizations, who then redistribute it for development projects
What is the difference between top-down and bottom-up aid? Top-down aid is to build infrastructure or so governments can run more efficiently. Bottom-up aid is used to provide basic health care, clean water and money for education
What are the advantages and disadvantages of short term aid? A: Immediate help and flow of aid continues due to publicity D: Development unchanged and can become reliant on aid
What are the advantages and disadvantages of long term aid? A: Less reliant on foreign aid, new industries improve skills and employment and new infrastructure built (schools/hospitals) D: Takes a while to benefit, land may be lost to large scale project and may not be sustainable (agricultural)
Advantage and disadvantages of bilateral aid? A: Projects are capital intensive and aim to improve country as a whole, also are large projects D: Do not benefit ordinary people directly
Advantage and disadvantages of multilateral aid? A: Works with recipient country, money not lost to corruption, appropriate tech used so sustainable D: Funds may reduce during economic recession
What is sustainable development and how does international aid promote it? (3) Sustainable development allows economic growth to occur without harming the environment or compromising the future generations: (1) Renewable energy (2) Educate people about environmental impact (3) Plant trees in areas affected by deforestion
What is the Common Agricultural Policy? (4) (1) Subsidizes farmers to grow certain crops (2) Ensures reasonable income and fair standard of living for farmers (3) Places high income tax on foreign goods (4) Guarantees min. levels of production to feed Europe
What is the Urban Community Initiative? (1) Money comes from European Regional Development Trust (2) Money is to provide social and economic regeneration by improving living conditions, creating jobs, using renewable energy (3) Money is divided according to need (pop. no. and employment rates)
What are structural funds? (3) (1) Provide money for research and development/employment opportunities/transport links (2) Aim to get all of EU to similar level of development (3) Regions whose GDP is less than 75% of EU average is targeted
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