Particle model


3º de ESO Física (Topic 3: Particle Model of Matter) Flashcards on Particle model, created by Carmen Diaz on 24/04/2018.
Carmen Diaz
Flashcards by Carmen Diaz, updated more than 1 year ago
Carmen Diaz
Created by Carmen Diaz over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are the three states of matter? Solid, liquid and gas
Particle model for solids & properties? -Strong forces of attraction hold the particles close together in a fixed, regular arrangement. -The particles don't have much energy so they can only vibrate about their fixed positions. -The density is generally higher in this state as the particles are closest together.
Particle model for liquids & properties? -There are weaker forces of attraction between particles. -The particles are closer together, but can move past each other, and for irregular arrangements. -Liquids have more energy than solids, but less than gases. -They move in random directions at low speeds. -Liquids are less dense than solids.
Particle model for gases & properties? -There are almost no forces of attraction between the particles. -Gases have more energy than solids or liquids. -They are free to move, and travel at random directions and at high speeds. -Gases have low densities.
What is density? Density is a measure of the 'compactness' of a substance. It's how much mass is packed into a given volume.
The units for density? The units for density is: kg/m3. -The mass is in kg. -The volume is in m3.
Formula for density? Density (kg/m3) = Mass (kg) / Volume (m3).
Density facts -The density of an object depends on what it's made of. -A dense material has its particles packed tightly together. The particles in a less dense material are more spread out. If you compressed the material, its particles would move closer together, and it will become more dense.
What is internal heat? The internal heat of a system is the total energy that its particles have in their kinetic and potential energy stores.
Is a change of state a physical or chemical change? A physical change, which means you don't end up with a new substance (it's the same substance as you started with, just in a different form).
Does mass stay the same when a substance changes state? Yes.
Changing from solids to liquids? Melting
Changing from liquids to gases? Boiling or evaporating
Changing form gases to liquids? Condensing
Changing from liquids to solids? Freezing
Changing from solids to gases? Sublimating
Melting or boiling When a substance is melting or boiling, you're still putting in energy. So the internal energy is increasing but is using up all the energy in breaking up the intermolecular bonds instead of increasing the temperature. This is represented by flat spots on graphs.
Condensing or freezing When a substance is condensing or freezing, bonds are forming between particles, which releases energy. This means that the internal energy is decreasing, but the temperature stays constant until all the substance has turned to liquid (condensing) or a solid (freezing). This is represented by flat spots on graphs.
What is specific latent heat? The specific latent heat of a substance is the amount of energy needed to change 1kg of it from one state to another without changing its temperature.
Specific latent heat of fusion The specific latent heat of fusion is the change of state from solids to liquids.
Specific latent heat of vaporisation The specific latent heat of vaporization is the change of state from liquids to gases.
The units for specific latent heat? The units for specific latent heat is: J/kg. -The energy is in J. -The mass is in kg.
Formula for specific latent heat? SLH (L) = Energy (E) / Mass (Kg)
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