Health issues in indigenous children


18.3 (14.1)
Averil Tam
Flashcards by Averil Tam, updated more than 1 year ago
Averil Tam
Created by Averil Tam over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
1. TRUE/FALSE? a. As most Aboriginal people live in remote areas, Aboriginal Health is the responsibility of remote GPs False. Most Aboriginal people live in non-remote areas AND we all play an important role in improving Aboriginal Health and reducing inequality.
1. TRUE/FALSE? b. Aboriginal child mortality rates have decreased significantly since 1998 True. The Aboriginal mortality rate has decreased, but not enough!
1. TRUE/FALSE? c. All Aboriginal people are unhealthy False. Some Aboriginal people are extremely healthy. The facts and figures we’ve discussed so far relate to the population as a whole.
1. TRUE/FALSE? d. The United Nations have adopted a single definition for the term ‘Indigenous’ False. This is impossible, given the diversity amongst and between different Indigenous groups.
2. TRUE/FALSE? a. Colonisation happened a long time ago and is no longer affecting Aboriginal people. False. The legacy of dispossession, cultural dislocation and disengagement of indigenous people has an intergenerational impact.
2. TRUE/FALSE? b. Factors affecting Aboriginal health status include social and economic status, health behaviours and lack of access to medical care. True
2. TRUE/FALSE? c. “The Gap” refers to inequalities between countries. False. “The Gap” refers to inequalities between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people within countries.
2. TRUE/FALSE? d. Education and income have limited effect on health behaviours. False. Education and income have a significant effect on health behaviours.
3. TRUE/FALSE? a. You need to be an expert in Aboriginal culture before you can effectively work with Aboriginal patients False. You simply need to treat people with respect and listen to their views on health and wellbeing.
3. TRUE/FALSE? b. If a patient doesn’t attend an appointment, it usually means they don’t need or want medical care False. Aboriginal people in particular face many barriers to accessing health care.
3. TRUE/FALSE? c. Many Aboriginal people face significant barriers to accessing health care and this contributes to the reduced life expectancy of the population True. These barriers include factors relating to physical availability, affordability, appropriateness and acceptability.
3. TRUE/FALSE? d. For many Aboriginal people, being healthy is not just the absence of being sick True. It's about getting a balance between physical, mental, emotional, cultural and spiritual health.
4. TRUE/FALSE? a. Always tell families it would be better if the school gave medications False. Families may decide with you that it would be more feasible for the school to give medications.
4. TRUE/FALSE? b. Some parents find a single IM iron injection less distressing for their children than daily iron dosing True. Distressing children is not acceptable to many Aboriginal people.
4. TRUE/FALSE? c. Chronic moist cough can be a sign of bronchiectasis True. Delayed diagnosis can contribute to early mortality.
4. TRUE/FALSE? d. You don’t need to test for Type 2 Diabetes in children False. Type 2 Diabetes can affect young children and you need to screen children with obesity.
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