FalliPE Diet


Flashcards for AQA GCSE PE
Miss Ellis
Flashcards by Miss Ellis, updated more than 1 year ago
Miss Ellis
Created by Miss Ellis almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Carbohydrates Primary source of energy for movement. Found in pasta, bread, rice, cereals, potatoes and sugars (simple carbs).
Proteins Builds and repairs muscle. Useful for strength/power based sports and for recovery from injury. Found in meat, fish and pulses.
Fats Secondary energy source for movement. Also used for insulation. Found in oils, dairy products, nuts and fish. Saturated fats should be limited.
Fibre Keeps digestive system healthy and 'regular' to avoid constipation. Found in cereals, fresh fruit & vegetables.
Vitamins Keep skin, teeth, eyes, brain healthy. Also help with concentration & stress relief. Found in fresh fruit & veg.
Minerals Calcium = strong bones & teeth. Found in dairy products, fish, fresh veg. Iron = prevents fatigue. Found in red meat & wholegrains.
Water Prevents dehydration. Aids concentration & performance. Found in the tap!
Carbohydrate Loading Strategy to maximise glycogen stores. Useful for endurance athletes. 6 days before: low carb, high training. 3 days before: high carb, low training. = more glycogen stores for competition
Obesity Excessively overweight (BMI = 30+) Result of too much fatty/sugary food. Negative impact on health e.g. risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer
Anorexia Eating disorder - excessively underweight. Caused by undereating. Sufferers have low energy levels and growth may be affected.
High protein diet Helps build muscle fast. Used by body builders / weight lifters.
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) Number of calories you need to consume to stay alive each day.
Calories / Kilo-calories Units of energy in food
Dehydration Rapid loss of water from the body. Caused by overheating / not drinking enough water. Prevented by drinking regularly before, during and after exercise.
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