genetic disorders and DNA


Additional science Flashcards on genetic disorders and DNA, created by ellierosedyson on 03/11/2014.
Flashcards by ellierosedyson, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ellierosedyson almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is an allele? An allele is a version of a gene.
What does heterozygous mean? Mixed.
How are illnesses inherited? defective piece of DNA in egg/sperm is passed to offspring, passing on this defective gene which causes a GENETIC DISORDER.
How many copies of every gene are passed down to offspring? TWO.
Why is the order of bases important? A change in order changes genetic code so protein cannot be made properly which causes problem in organism.
Dominant alleles show up more or less? They show up more in the offspring than any others.
If you are polydactyl you? Have an additional finger or toe.
Recessive disorders need to be passed down by one or both parents? BOTH PARENTS.
Dominant disorders are passed on by...? ONE PARENT.
Genes are carried by...? Chromosomes in nucleus of cells.
DNA stands for? DeoxyriboNucleicAcid.
What are the four bases of DNA? ATCG.
The bases in DNA are joined by what? Weak hydrogen bonds.
Where is DNA found? Nucleus.
Inside the Nucleus we find what? Chromosomes.
What is a gene? A section of DNA which that holds the genetic code for one complete protein.
The genetic code is..? The order of bases.
In each cell there are how many chromosomes? 46
how many pairs of chromosomes are there in each cell? 23
Amino acids are the..? Building blocks of proteins.
What is this? Chromosome
What is this? Double helix.
What is this? Nucleus
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