Domain 3 - Stories Review


Flashcards on Domain 3 - Stories Review, created by mary paye on 04/11/2014.
mary paye
Flashcards by mary paye, updated more than 1 year ago
mary paye
Created by mary paye over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Fiction stories are imaginary or make-believe
The main character in "The Three Little Pigs" is the house of bricks.
The setting of "Tug of War" is the jungle.
The plot of "The Story of Jumping Mouse" is all of the adventures Jumping Mouse has on his way to the far-off land.
A SLY person plays tricks on others.
Someone who is very nice is also called CROSS.
A student MISUSED his pencil when he used it to eat his cereal.
FOOLISHNESS around the house would be jumping on the beds.
It would be PERILOUS to run out into the street.
A good MUSICIAN is someone who is really good at playing sports.
A school PLAY is a show where students act out stories.
The children LONGED for hot cocoa in the summer so they could cool off.
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