Computer buses


Flashcards on Computer buses, created by Althea Baptiste on 28/11/2014.
Althea Baptiste
Flashcards by Althea Baptiste, updated more than 1 year ago
Althea Baptiste
Created by Althea Baptiste almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
A BUS is a collection of electrical conductors (lines) to which components may be connected for the transmission of signals between them.
TYPES OF BUSES LOCATION (Where they are) 1. INTERNAL: within the processor, necessary to integrate each part of the CPU. E.g. CU & ALU 2. EXTERNAL: outside the processor to connect separate hardware components.
Types of buses: FUNCTION (What they do) 1. Data bus: Transfers signals, representing data, between storage and devices. 2. Address bus: Transfers signals, representing information about where the data should go 3. Control bus: Transfers signals, representing control values
Bus width or Bandwidth The number of LINES in bus is called a ...
DATA BUS * is equal to the register wordsize
ADDRESS BUS the number of lines (wires) in the address bus determines the amount of memory that can be directly addressed as each line carries one bit of the address. e.g one that has 32 address lines can address 4GB. 2x 2x 2x 2 x [4 lines] = 16 memory location/ address
DATA BUS AND ADDRESS BUS ARE LARGER THAN A CONTROL BUS which two is larger than a control bus?
Simplex: ONE DIRECTION ONLY Half Duplex: TWO DIRECTION AT THE SAME TIME Duplex: TWO DIRECTIONS BUT not AT THE SAME TIME Signals OF BUSES can be sent in any of the following three ways
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