Unit 3: Threats To Biodiversity


Cfe Higher Cfe Higher | Biology (Unit 3 : Sustainability & Interdependence) Flashcards on Unit 3: Threats To Biodiversity, created by Ellie Potellie on 12/03/2019.
Ellie Potellie
Flashcards by Ellie Potellie, updated more than 1 year ago
Ellie Potellie
Created by Ellie Potellie over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What Are The Threats To Biodiversity? •Exploitation •Habitat Loss •Invasive, naturalised & introduced species
What Is Exploitation? Exploitation is the overuse of resources in an ecosystem
What Is The Bottle Neck Effect? In small populations, genetic diversity may be lost & therefore the ability to show variation that allows evolutionary changes to changes to the environment would be lost
What Is Habitat Loss? The clearing of habitats that has led to habitat fragmentation
What Are The Consequences Of Habitat Loss? Degradation of the edges of habitat fragments results in increased competition between species as the fragments get smaller. This may result in a decrease in biodiversity
How Can Habitat Fragmentation Be Remedied? To remedy this, habitat fragments can be linked by habitat corridors leading to more food and choice of mate through access.
What Is An Introduced Species? An Introduced species is a non-native species that humans have moved intentionally or accidentally to new geographical locations
What Are Naturalised Species? Species that become established within wild communities are turned naturalised species
What Is An Invasive Species? A naturalised species that grows rapidly and eliminates native species and reducing biodiversity.
What Are The Characteristics Of An Invasive species? •Free of predators, parasites, pathogens & competition that limit population growth •Invasive species may prey on native species out compete them or hybridise with them
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