Lucas Study Cards


Lucas Leimenstoll
Flashcards by Lucas Leimenstoll, updated more than 1 year ago
Lucas Leimenstoll
Created by Lucas Leimenstoll over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
First (1791) – Freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition of government
Second (1791) – Right to keep and bear arms
Third (1791) – prohibition against quartering troops in private homes
Fourth (1791) – Right of privacy, no search or seizure without warrant based on probable cause
Fifth (1791) – Rights of the accused, no double jeopardy, no imposed self incrimination, right to due process, government right of eminent domain
Sixth (1791) – Right to speedy jury trial, right to know charges and face accusers, have legal counsel (lawyer) and question witnesses
Seventh (1791) – Right to jury trial in civil cases
Eighth (1791) – No cruel or unusual punishment and no excessive bail
Ninth (1791) – Rights reserved to the people
Tenth (1791) – Rights reserved to the states and the people
Eleventh (1795) – State sovereign immunity
Twelfth (1804) – Election of president and vice president by distinct votes
Thirteenth (1865) – Slavery abolished
Fourteenth (1868) – Citizenship, equal protection, due process at state and federal level
Fifteenth (1870) – Right to vote can't be denied because of race, color, or previous condition of servitude
Sixteenth (1913) – Income tax legalized
Seventeenth (1913) – Senate elected by direct popular vote instead of by state legislatures
Eighteenth (1919) – Prohibition against manufacture, sale, or transportation of alcohol
Nineteenth (1920) – Right to vote shall not be denied or abridged on account of sex.
Twentieth (1933) – “Lame duck” Amendment: after election, Congress takes office on January 3rd, and President takes office on January 20th.
Twenty First (1933) – Repeal of 18th Amendment
Twenty Second (1951) – Presidency limited to two terms
Twenty Third (1961) – DC elects its own electors
Twenty Fourth (1964) – Poll tax cannot be required to vote
Twenty Fifth (1967) – Presidential succession
Twenty Sixth (1971) – Right to vote shall not be denied or abridged for anyone age 18 or older
Twenty Seventh (1992, proposed in 1789) – No pay changes for Congress shall take effect until after the next election
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