C2 Bonding Key Points


Flashcards on C2 Bonding Key Points, created by Robert Hebbs on 03/12/2014.
Robert Hebbs
Flashcards by Robert Hebbs, updated more than 1 year ago
Robert Hebbs
Created by Robert Hebbs almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Why do atoms bond? To get a stable full outershell of electrons
What type of bonding to you get with a metal an a non-metal Ionic Bonding
What type of bonding do you get with two non-metals? Covalent bonding
What happens to a metal in ionic bonding? It loses its outer shell electrons to form a positive ion
What happens to a non metal in ionic bonding? It gains electrons to get a full outer shell of electrons forming a negative ion
What is an ion? A charged particle (metals form positive ions, non-metals negative ions)
What properties does an ionic compound have? High melting point Only conduct electricity when molten or dissolved in water
Why do ionic compound have high melting points? They have a giant ionic lattice containing lots of strong ionic bonds which need to be broken with large amounts of energy
Why do liquid and aqueous ionic compounds conduct electricity? (aqueous means they are dissolved in water) Because their ions are free to move and carry charge.
What happens to the electrons of atoms in covalent bonding? The two atoms share electrons to get a full outershell
What 2 types of covalent compounds are there? Simple molecular & Giant covalent
What are the properties of a simple molecular covalent compound Low melting point Does not conduct electricity
What are the properties of a giant covalent compound? Very high melting points Do not conduct electricity except graphite & fullerenes
What are the properties of diamond? High melting point & hard (Giant covalent structure, lots of strong bonds)
What are the properties of graphite? High melting point (strong bonds) Conduct electricity (delocalised electrons) Slippy (layers can slide)
What type of bonding occurs in metals? Metallic bonding
Why do metals conduct electricity? Their outer shell electrons are delocalised and free to move carrying the charge
What's the difference between a pure metal and an alloy An alloy is a mixture of metals and is harder
What is a nano particle? A really really small particle
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