EEOB 2520 Exam 1 Cards


Flashcards on EEOB 2520 Exam 1 Cards, created by ron on 26/08/2013.
Flashcards by ron, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ron over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
ATP ADP+Pi+Energy (reversible)
Major Categories of Cells Muscle, Nerve, Epithelial, Connective
Examples of Connective Cells Blood, bone, and fat
Places Fluid can be in the body Intracellular Fluid, Interstitial Fluid, Plasma
Interstitial Fluid Fluid between cells. 26%
Plasma Fluid in blood cells. 7%
What are the two types of Fibers? What traits do they have? Collagen: Rope like traits Elasitn: Rubber band like traits
Barrier between plasma and interstial fluid Capillary Wall
Barrer between interstitial fluid and intracellular fluid Cell Membrane
Steady State Means parameter is within a set range
Equilibrium When no energy is required to maintain a value
Components of Homeostatic Controls Sytem Receptor, Afferent Pathway, Intergrating Center, Efferent Pathway
Chemical Messengers: List characteristics of Endrocine (aka hormones) Released by Glands or neurons Pathway: Plasma Communicates with: Distant Effectors
Chemical Messengers: List characteristics of Paracrine Released by: Most cells Pathway: Interstitial Fluid Communicates with: Neighbor Effector
Chemical Messengers that don't travel through extracellular fluidnte Autocrine Cytokine
Gap Junctions Direct channels between ajacent cells Analgous to speaking (somthing is released)
Juxtacrines Bound to cell membrane Analagous to shaking hands, nothing is released
Adaptation Genetic change over species, does not occur to inviduals
Acclimitization Resetting of set point. Usually reversible except developmental acclimitizations
Biorythems Result of the combination of adaptation and acclimaitizaion. Takes enviormental cues (not triggered though)
Free Radicals Remove electron from another (oxidizing)
Examples of Free Radicals Superoxide anion Nitric Oxide OH
Covalent Bonding Sharing of Electrons Not always equal
Polar Hydrophilic Lypophobic Unequal Sharing
Rank the 4 main types of bonding in the body Covalent Ionic Hydrogen Bonding Hydrophobic
Functions of the Plasma Membrane Regulate movement ( in, out and within) Bind chemical messengers Hold cell in extracellular matix Allows for cell's shape and motility Allows for cell to cell contact
Plasma Membrane Components Phospholipids, Cholestrol, Protein
Phospholipids Main building block of plasma membrane Positive head, nonpolar tails Spontaneously form bilayer
Cholestrol Amphipathic Vesicle Formation
Integral Membrane Proteins Proteins embedded in membrane lipid layer. Serve as channels, receptors, anchors etc.
Peripheral Proteins Impact Shape and Motility Polar=Hydorphillic
Glycocalyx Proteins Allow for ID and interaction Gives cell fuzzy appearance in microscope
Gap Junctions Channels liking to cytosols Small, so limited exchange Allows IF flow
Desmosome Spot welds Allows IF flow
Tight Junctions Joining of Plasma Membranes Forms a band around the cell. Blocks IF Flow
Channel Gating The process of opening and closing ion ion channels
Types of Channel Gating Ligand-gated Channels-Change shape of protein Voltage Gated channels-analgous to FOB Mechanically gated channels physically deform membrane
Hypertonic Higher concentration of nonpenetrating solutes outside cell-shrink
Necessary conditions for Osmotic Pressure Semipermeable membrane Immobile membrane
Ligand An molecule or ion that binds to protein surface by noncovalent bond
Intracellular Messengers Function in the nucleus as transcription factors or suppressors to alter the rate of transcription of particular genes
Krebs Cycle Oxygen directly required Start=mainly pyruvate from glycosis, but can use protein and fat catabolism products Location: Mitochondria Net Production: 24 ATP, H2O recycled endzymes
Glycosis Start: Carb Aerpnoc-produces pyruvate Anerboic- produces lactate Location: Cytosol Net production: 2 ATP H+
Messengers that use the pathway of interstial fluid Paracine Neurotransmitters
Messengers that can be released by Neurons Endocrine Neurotransmitter
Messengers that can only communicate with nearbly effectors Paracrine Neurotransmitter
ATP Equations
Cytokine Messengers associated with the immune system Pathway=IF/plasma/lymph
Amount of ATP produced by Glycolosis 2 ATP
Amount of ATP produced my Krebs Cycle 34 ATP
Electron Transport Chain Start with: H+ and coenzyme (from glycosis) Location: Mitochondria Net Production: 34 ATP Oxygen required
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