
iManifest Dreams
Flashcards by iManifest Dreams, updated more than 1 year ago
iManifest Dreams
Created by iManifest Dreams over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
During the Great Depression, more than one millionaire lost his fortune and became a PAUPER. a person who lives in poverty
He was a HUMANITARIAN whose focus was eliminating homelessness. concerned with people's welfare
Since Frank is a principal in a young adult prison, he must always have a stern DEMEANOR when dealing with the students. an individual’s displayed behavior
When the company received a DELUGE of lawsuits, it decided to recall the product responsible for the complaints. a large number of things occurring in the same instance
Knowledge gives you power by making you less MALLEABLE to negative influences. capable of being easily changed or influenced
The contest winner was EXUBERANT when she learned she would receive the prize money that would allow her to go to college. filled with energy and enthusiasm
International groups such as the United Nations work hard to make sure political leaders do not receive IMPUNITY for horrible acts. free from punishment; exempt from the consequences
The diamond was cut to have many FACETS, giving it a certain glimmer in natural sunlight. a side or aspect of something
The oncologist was excited when he discovered a remarkable new treatment that would PROTRACT his patients’ lives. to prolong in time or space
Do you think bleach will SUFFICE as a cleaning agent in the restroom? be enough or adequate
When the president’s SORDID affair was exposed on social media, the first lady quickly filed for a divorce. very bad or dirty
Although I wish I could REFUTE your argument, I do not have the facts to do so at this time. to prove wrong by argument or evidence
The leader of the convent reprimanded the young nun for listening to SECULAR music instead of spiritual hymns. not driven by religious principles
The doctor gave me a prescription to MITIGATE the pain. make less severe or painful
Because Gary wanted the promotion, he set a MACHINATION in motion to make his competition appear incompetent. a scheme that is usually created for bad reasons
As I walked through the airport, the air was REDOLENT with the smell of fresh baked croissants. filled with a scent or odor
While the patient has no insurance, it is EXPEDIENT that the hospital staff take all life-saving methods, regardless of their costs. suitable to the circumstances; appropriate
The defense attorney could not find anyone to CORROBORATE his client’s alibi. to strengthen or support with other evidence; make more certain
Jason was willing to EXPLOIT his good looks to get money from the wealthy widow. to gain an advantage by doing something unethical
Since her son had already served his hours of community service for the vandalism, Selena thought that the school’s additional punishment was GRATUITOUS. uncalled for; unwarranted; unnecessary; given or done free of charge
Even though the members of the church were falling asleep, the minister continued his HARANGUE on the evils of society. a loud and aggressive speech; verbal attack
The poor sales clerk just stood there helplessly as the enraged customer got right in his face and began to BERATE him for something that wasn’t even his fault. to yell at; to criticize or scold someone in a loud and angry way
Claudia has suffered through some very difficult times, and it’s her SUBLIME faith that keeps her strong. something of such excellence, impressive or awe-inspiring
You will get a salary increase COMMENSURATE with your additional responsibilities and work. in proportion; equal
Jeremy was fired because he could not give his boss a PLAUSIBLE explanation for his constant tardiness to work. something appearing reasonable or probable
Even before slavery officially ended, my relatives made the decision to EMANCIPATE all their slaves so they could live freely. to give freedom to someone
With the popularity of the Zumba craze, health clubs that feature this exercise class have begun to PROLIFERATE in most cities. spread rapidly or increase in number
My elderly neighbor still has the racist IDEOLOGY that was prominent during his teen years. principles or beliefs associated with a group or person
Unfortunately, the firemen were not able to EXTRICATE the dog from the burning building. to free or remove something or someone
If you would like to be considered as the president’s press LIAISON, you must have a great deal of experience in distributing information between groups. a person who helps organizations or groups to work together and provide information to each other
Because my father is not LENIENT, I am not allowed to attend any of my friends’ birthday parties unless he accompanies me. lax; not strict
In the war torn city, the church building stood out as the last BASTION of faith. an individual or object dedicated to a belief or idea
After Lou lost both legs in a car accident, he had to adapt to prosthetic limbs. get used to something new or change to fit
Humans have a basic and PRIMAL need for companionship with others. basic; instinctive
My husband really wanted to buy the antique car, NOTWITHSTANDING my objections. despite; regardless
In the game of MONOPOLY, players strive to own all the properties of a specific color in order to increase their rental fees. the state in which one entity or individual dominates an entire industry or market
We have no idea what breed the MONGREL is, but he looks like both a pit bull and a Doberman pinscher. any animal resulting from the crossing of different breeds or varieties, especially a dog
If you MEDDLE in Jackson’s personal life, he will tell you to mind your own business. to interfere in something that is not your concern
Because the couple was unable to conceive, they decided to have a SURROGATE carry their child. a substitute (usually of a person, position or role)
Clark Kent's ALTER EGO is Superman. an alternative personality, identity, or mannerism
The zoo has a MENAGERIE of exotic animals. a diverse collection
The HEADSTRONG manager lost ten employees because he refused to listen to their complaints. focused on doing what one wants
The three dimensional map provides a vivid image of the continent’s TOPOGRAPHY. a detailed depiction of an area
The wedding cake was absolutely EXQUISITE, unlike any he had seen before. especially fine or pleasing; exceptional
Because of the CONCERTED effort of the allied forces, the war quickly came to an end. in group agreement; working as a team
Some of the students in the class MISCONSTRUED the professor’s questions as an invasion of their privacy. to interpret something the wrong way
Samantha was IMPLACABLE and not willing to accept her former friend’s apology. not capable of being appeased
In most situations, your ability to get a loan is CONTINGENT upon your credit history. depending on whether or not something else occurs
Because I am bothered by the ACRID odor of burning cigarettes, I do not allow people to smoke inside my home. bitter and unpleasant in taste or smell
Because the INDOLENT man refused to work, he was unable to pay his bills. wanting to avoid activity or exertion; lazy
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