Skills, qualities and duties


To review skills qualities and duties of jobs for ESOL speaking exams.
Joy Andrighetto
Flashcards by Joy Andrighetto, updated more than 1 year ago
Joy Andrighetto
Created by Joy Andrighetto almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
nurse skills: team-work, communication and problem solving qualities: caring, patient and reliable. duties: helps the doctor, looks after sick people.
accountant skills: maths, problem-solving and ICT qualities: honest and organised duties: checks the money for businesses and pays taxes
pilot skills: communication, team-work and decision-making. qualities: reliable and punctual duties: flies a plane and checks the controls.
judge skills: decision-making and communication qualities: honest and trustworthy duties: listens to the trial and gives the verdict.
doctor skills: decision-making, problem-solving and communication qualities: caring and reliable duties: helps people to get well and gives advice
cleaner skills: team-work qualities: hard-working and honest duties: mpos and sweeps the floor and cleans things
firefighter skills: team-work and decision making qualities: hard-working and courageous duties: puts out fires, helps people in car accidents.
hairdresser skills: communication and decision making qualities: hard-working and creative duties: styles and cuts peoples' hair
shop assistant skills: team-work, maths and communication qualities: honest, punctual and reliable duties: puts things on shelves, serves customers.
mechanic skills: ICT, problem-solving and decision-making qualities: honest and hardworking duties: repairs and services cars
secretary skills: telephone, ICT and communication qualities: honest, organised and punctual duties: types letters, answers the phone and makes appointments
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