A level Physical Chemistry Key Definitions (Incomplete)


All the key terms you will need to know for A level physical chemistry, and their definitons!
Irene Binil
Flashcards by Irene Binil, updated more than 1 year ago
Irene Binil
Created by Irene Binil over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Acid dissociation constant, Ka The extent of acid dissociation. Ka = {(conc.H+)(conc.A-)}/ (conc. HA)
Ionic product of water Kw The equilibrium constant for the dissociation of water into H+ and OH- ions.
Buffer Minimises changes in pH when diluted or when small ampounts of strong acid/ base are added.
Salt Ionic product formed when an acid reacts with a base and the H+ from the acid is replaced by another positive ion.
Monoprotic Produces one mole of H+ ions in solution.
Diprotic Produces two moles of H+ ions in solution.
Weak Acid Proton donor that partially dissociates into its ions.
Weak Base Proton acceptor that partially dissociates into solution.
Strong Acid Proton Donor that completely dissociates into its ions.
pH A measure of acidity according to the concentration of H+ ions in the solution.
Amphoteric Can act as both acid and base.
Amphiprotic Can both donate and accept a proton.
Conjugate acid base pair A pair of species differing only by a single proton.
Alkali Soluble base which releases OH- ions in solution.
Bronsted-Lowry Acid Releases H+ ions in solution
Bronsted-lowry base Proton acceptor.
Standard enthalpy change of reaction. The enthalpy change that accompanies a reaction in the molar quantities expressed in the balanced equation, under standard conditions.
Standard enthalpy change of combustion. The enthalpy change that takes place when one mole of a compound is reacted completely with oxygen, under standard conditions.
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