B2 Cells


Flashcards on B2 Cells, created by crudgelizzie on 29/12/2014.
Flashcards by crudgelizzie, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by crudgelizzie over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
All organisms are made up of...? cells
How many cells are produced in mitosis? 2 diploid daughter cells
2 differences between meiosis and mitosis: mitosis=2 genetically identical diploid daughter cells. Occurs in all cells except sex cells meiosis=4 genetically varied haploid daughter cells. Occurs in sex cells
What are stem cells? Undifferentiated cells that have the ability to develop into any other type of cell
Why do some people disagree with embryonic stem cell research? Killing potential human life. There are other ways
Why people agree with stem cell research? Save lives and can find new cures/medicines
Order the microorganisms in order of size: (smallest to biggest) Virus, Bacteria, Fungi, Algae
Describe a virus cell: Genes covered in a protein coat/capsid. It is not living-cannot respire
How does a virus cell reproduce? Attaches onto host cell, reproduces inside host cell releasing new viruses. The host cell is then destroyed
Describe a Bacteria Cell: Cell wall & membrane, cytoplasm, chromosome, slime capsule, flagella and plasmid (small ring of DNA)
How does bacteria reproduce? Asexually by splitting into two (binary fission)
Describe a Yeast Cell Cell wall, vacuole, cytoplasm, cell membrane, nucleus and food storage granule
How does Yeast reproduce? Asexually-Budding
Describe and algal cell: Cell Wall & Membrane, Nucleus, Vacuole, Chloroplasts, cytoplasm, flagellum and eye spot
What are the characteristics of an algal cell? Mixture of both plant/animal cell features
Describe an animal cell: Nucleus, cell membrane, cytoplasm
Describe a plant cell: Cell wall/membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm, vacuole, chloroplasts
where does cell division/growth occur in animals? All tissues
Where does cell division/growth occur in plants? Meristems
What is the difference between animal/plant growth? Animal grows to certain size and stops because they have to move to find food Plant continues to grow throughout their life-growth is spread out/static to take advantage of environmental resources e.g. light, water, minerals
Light microscope: Mag up to x1000 Uses light Can see colour Can observe living things
Electron microscope: Mag. up to x 50 million Uses electrons Image displayed on screen Cannot see colour Can't observe living things Internal structure of cell can be seen
What chemical makes up genes? DNA
What is the structure of DNA? Double helix
How does DNA control the production of protein? By using a code to determine the order in which different amino acids are linked together
What are ATCG? Bases
What is the DNA backbone made of? Sugar and Phosphate
How was DNA discovered? By a collaboration of scientists using different techniques
What are proteins made from? amino acids
Name 2 examples of proteins: Enzymes, hormones, muscle tissue
Give a use of enzymes: Biological washing powder, baby food
What are enzymes? protein molecules that act as biological catalysts and speed up chemical reactions
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