Ch.2 Vocab


AP Art History Flashcards on Ch.2 Vocab, created by thatgirlwhostudies on 30/08/2013.
Flashcards by thatgirlwhostudies, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by thatgirlwhostudies over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
pictograph a pic that represents an idea
lamassu Assyrian guardian in the form of a man-headed winged bull
iwan an Islamic vaulted rectangular recess opening into a courtyard
hierarchy of scale greater size means greater importance
cylinder seal A cylindrical piece of stone w/ an incised design (what makes the design in a wax seal)
ziggurat a Mesopotamian monumental platform for a temple
Votive offering a gift of gratitude to a deity
stylus a needle like tool used in engraving and writing
stele a carved stone slab used to mark graves or commemorate historical events
city-state an independent self-governing city
blind arcade an arcade having no actual openings, applied as decoration to a wall surface
frieze any sculptured or painted band in a building
ground line a painted or carved baseline on which figures appear to stand
stamp seal a cylindrical piece of stone w/ and incised design (what makes the design in a wax seal)
foreshortening use of perspective to represent in art the apparent visual contraction of an object that extends back in a building
cuneiform a system of writing used in ancient Mesopotamia (wedge shaped characters)
conceptual representation the representation of the fundamental distinguishing properties of a person or object (not the way they appear at a specific moment)
arcuated arch-shaped
cella the chamber at the center of an ancient temple
heraldic compositon composition that is symmetrical on either side of a central figure
apadana the great audience hall in Persian palaces
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