Flash cards for physics equations


Flash cards for a few of the important equations in physics
Flashcards by Ben123, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Ben123 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Equation for average Distance moved/Time taken
Equation for Force Mass x acceleration
Equation for acceleration change in velocity/time taken
Equation for momentum mass x velocity
Equation for density Mass / volume
Equation for work done Force x distance moved
Equation for kinetic energy 1/2 x mass x (speed x speed)
Equation for gravitational potential energy mass x g x height g = 10 kg on earth
Equation for weight mass x gravitational field strength
Equation for pressure Force / area Rule=smaller the area bigger the pressure
Equation for moment Force x perpendicular distance from the pivot
Equation for charge Current x time
Equation for voltage current x resistance
Equation for electrical power current x voltage
Equation for wave speed frequency x wavelength
n = refractive index n = sin i / sin r
sin c c = critical angle 1 / n
Equation for efficiency Useful energy output / total energy input
Equation for pressure difference Height x density x g
Input (primary) voltage / output (secondary) voltage Primary turns / Secondary turns
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