IFM Flash Cards Set 10: Option Greeks


Flashcards on IFM Flash Cards 10: Option Greeks, created by Micah Stewart on 06/06/2019.
Micah Stewart
Flashcards by Micah Stewart, updated more than 1 year ago
Micah Stewart
Created by Micah Stewart over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Greek Signs Enter text here...
Delta: Call and Put Enter text here...
Gamma: Call and Put Enter text here...
Thetas: Calls And Puts Enter text here...
Vega: Calls And Puts Enter text here...
Rho:Calls And Puts Enter text here...
Psi: Calls And Puts Enter text here...
The Derivative of N(d_1) Enter text here...
Risk Premium: Definition and Formulas Enter text here...
Risk Premium: Relationship and Volatility of Option Enter text here...
Sharpe Ratio: Formulas Enter text here...
Elasticity: Formulas and Properties Enter text here...
Portfolio Greeks and Elasticity Enter text here...
Delta Gamma Theta Approximation Enter text here...
Delta & Gamma Hedging:Overnight Pricing Components Enter text here...
Delta & Gamma Hedging: Overnight Profit Sum Enter text here...
Delta Gamma Hedge: Formulas Enter text here...
DGH: Breakeven Enter text here...
DGH: Hedging Multiple Greeks Enter text here...
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