KS3 Physics


Year 7 Physics Energy Electricity Forces
Laila Al-Refai
Flashcards by Laila Al-Refai, updated more than 1 year ago
Laila Al-Refai
Created by Laila Al-Refai over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
KS3 Physics Year 7 Energy resources Electrical Circuits Forces
What is potential energy? stored energy
What is energy measured in? joules
What are fossil fuels? fossil fuels are dead, rotting animals or plants found underground used for energy
What is the difference between renewable and nonrenewable energy? Renewable energy can be reused endlessly but nonrenewable energy eventually runs out.
Where do all forms of energy originate? The sun
What is current? the number of electrons, measured in amps.
What does adding more cells to the circuit do? increases the voltage and makes the bulb(s) brighter
What are the advantages of a parallel circuit? If one cell breaks the others will still function
What is voltage? The amount of energy the electrons carry.
What is a fuse? a small safety tube in a circuit that slows the energy down
Why is gravity less on the moon? because it is smaller in size
What is friction? two surfaces rubbing against each other
What is air resistance? the force opposite the direction an object is moving
What are lubricants? smooth surfaces that reduce friction
What is the resultant force? the difference between the amounts of force on opposite sides of something moving, if the forces on opposite sides are equal the resultant force is 0
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