Created by Tafe Teachers SB
over 5 years ago
Question | Answer |
a-; an- | without |
Ad- | toward; near |
ante- | before, forward |
auto- | self |
bi- | two, twice, double |
circum- | around, about |
cyano- | blue |
di- | double, twice |
dis- | absence, removal, separtion, apart |
dys- | bad, painful, difficult |
ecto- | out; outside |
endo- | within, inside, inner |
epi- | above, upon, on |
Erythr/o | red |
hemi- | half |
hyper- | above, excessive |
hypo- | below, under, deficient, less than normal |
inter- | between |
Iso- | equal; same |
leuko- | white |
Melan/o | black |
Micro- | small; microscopic |
non- | not |
Per- | through |
peri- | around, surrounding |
post- | after, behind |
pre- | before, in front of |
primi- | first |
pro- | before; in front of |
Purpur/i | purple |
quad- | four |
re- | again; back |
retro- | backward, behind |
semi- | half |
sub- | under, below |
super- | above, excessive |
sym- or syn- | together, with |
trans- | across, through, over |
tri- | three |
uni | one |
xantho- or jaund/o | yellow |
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