

Flashcards on Sociolgy, created by charliemurphy10 on 21/01/2015.
Flashcards by charliemurphy10, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by charliemurphy10 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Bernstein. 1)Date? 2) Two key points. 3) What class goes with what point? 1) 1975. 2) Restricted code, Elaborated code. 3) R.C is Working Class, E.C is Middle Class.
Sugarman. 1) Date? 2) Four key points. 3) Explain them. 1) 1970. 2) Fatalism, Collectivism, Immediate gratification, Present-time orientation. 3) F=the belief in fate. C=being in a group, not independent. I.G=seeking pleasure now, not later. P.T.O=present is more important than future.
Bourdieu. 1) Date? 2) What was his theory? 3) Explain it. 1) 1984. 2) Cultural capital. 3) The knowledge, attitudes, values, language, tastes and abilities of the middle class.
Gewirtz. 1) Date? 2) Her Theory? 3) Explain it. 4) Three types of choosers. 1) 1995. 2) Marketisation and Parental choice 3) 5 A*-C grades creates competition between schools 4) Privileged-skilled choosers, Disconnected choosers ans semi-skilled choosers
Becker. 1) Date? 2) Type of study. 3) Key point. 4) What was his findings? 1) 1971. 2) Interview. 3) 'Ideal pupil' 4) Most of the 60 teachers saw middle class children as the 'ideal pupil'
Jacobson. 1) Date? 2) Where? 3) What happened? 1) 1986 2) Community school in California 3) Children s IQ results where swapped and teachers responded negatively to low IQs, and positively to high IQs
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