History Exam


WW1, WW2, 1920's, 1930's, Cold War, 9/11 etc
Flashcards by canadian.jules, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by canadian.jules over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Triple Entente Uk France Russia
Triple Alliance Germany Austria-Hungary Italy
M.A.I.N Militarism Alliance System Imperialism Nationalism
Militarism a countries building up of military power e.g: by 1905 Europe has instituted conscription
Alliance System By the 1900's Europe has 6 super powers, they then become divided into teams (Triple Alliance, Triple Entente)
Imperialism Building of empires by dividing the world into colonies e.g: Canada being a part in the British Empire
Nationalism Pride in one culture nationally
Schliffen Plan German plan to avoid the war on two fronts -Go through Belgium to get to france
Problems of the Schliefen Plan -Belgium Resists -Russia Mobilizes faster than expected -England Respected a Treaty to protect Belgium (put Canada into the war)
How did WW1 Start? -Murder of Austrian Archduke, France Fernidad by the Serbian Blackhand -Austria asked Germany for support -Austria gives Serbia an Ultimatum -Serbia gets support from Russia -Serbia refuses Ultimatum -Germany attacks France
Second Battle of ypres MAY 1915 -Germany attacked British, french and Canadian lines to divert attention -57,000 canisters of chlorine gas were released
Battle of the Somme JULY 1- NOVEMBER 18, 1916 -Germany vs British/ Canadians -Goal was to drain German forces -Britain used tanks unsuccessfully -blood bath
Vimy Ridge APRIL 9-12 1917 -Canadians vs Germans -Canada's first real victory -Battle to get a ridge -Arthur Currie was the leader who gave all of the soldiers a different map and use different tactics like the creeping barrage
Passchendale JULY 31 -Germans vs Canadians -Battle over 11km of mud -Arthur Currie protested and said it would be a waste of man power -Tanks and bass were used unsuccessfully
Battle of the Atlantic 1914-1918 -U boats (German Submarines) were used to sneak up on ships -Convoys:Bug groups of ships going from Halifax to England -Congregated in the Halifax Harbour -Britain fully gained control over the atlantic in the late 1917
Trench -Used to hide/ Gain protection from artillery shots
Life in the trenches -Lots of disease -Very Routined; mostly boredom with moments of adrenaline -Played cards and wrote letters in the dugout
Trenchfoot Feet infections from wet trenches
Bully Beef canned beef (soldiers had to eat)
Ross Rifle A gun that wasn't good for bad weather conditions, gun would jam if it got wet -Created by Sam Hughes
Sam Hughes Creator of the Ross Rifle -Minster of militia -Fired for supporting profiteering
Profiteering illegal selling of items for more profit
Conscription System to make people join the armed forces
Military Voters Act gave the right to vote to Canadian soldiers -Vote to see if they wanted conscription
Wartime Elections Act vote granted to all wives, sisters, mothers, and daughters of soldiers asking if they wanted conscription
Military Service Act All males between 18 and 45 are eligible to for military service
Halifax Explosion DECEMBER 6 1917 Mont Blanc and Imo bumped into each other Imo: full of soldiers Mont Blanc had explosives and amo -8ºC and snowing which didn't help the rescue efforts
Victory Bonds people pay the government and are promised to get their money back later with interest
War Measures Act -power to intern citizens -taking a group of citizens and imprisoning them for being a certain religion
Valcartier Training Camp for Canadian soldiers
Canada's 100 Days -Germans remobilize stronger than ever -Americans arrive at their front -Allies gain 130km and win back control of Belgium and France -fighting ends Nov 11 1918
Spanish Flu -Influenza brought back by soldiers -soldiers were immune to the flu but family members where not -Largest number of deaths was in Russia but they kept quiet about it
Winnipeg General Strike -Every unionized worker went on strike in Winnipeg -there was an increase in pay for some workers but not the others -displayed a bad public image
Blue Birds Canadian Nurses -wore blue jackets ad blue hats
League of Nations 1921 organization of the countries to promote world peace and avoid war
The Chanak Affair small seaport that was supposed to be a neutral zone, turkish government threatened it and Britain asked for support Canada refuses to help them at first but then agrees and takes their time helping Britain
Emily Murphy Leader of famous 5 -First female judge
Famous 5 A group of girls who want a seat in the senate and needed to e declared persons under constitution
Flappers Women who wore short skirts, lots of makeup, smoked, and had sex in casual manner
Agnes McPhail First women to be elected in the house of commons -Delegation to the league of nations -worked on women's and farmers rights
Dr Banting Discovered Insulin
Prohibition movement to ban the production, distribution, and consumption of alcohol
Arguments for the prohibition many believed alcohol was the cause for social illness
Arguments against the prohibition freedom of Canadians should be respected and trusted by the government
Temperance calling for total abstinence from alcohol
Boot Legging (Rum Runners) Illegal transportation or sale of alcohol
Speak Easy Illegal Bars at the time of the prohibition
Buying on Margins Paying the margin or borrowing money from a bank or broker
The Great Depression CAUSE problems with the economy departed heavily on export of fish, coal, and wheat -Foreign market raised their tariffs and Canada was choked of from international trade
Relief Camps to divert unemployed men from communism, camps where set up in far away areas -Long hard physical work days
Bennet Buggies Car without an engine, pulled by a horse because no one could afford gas
Hobbos people who lived outside the city in tar paper shacks called BENNETBURGHS
Ottawa Treck BC camps workers go on strike demanding better conditions and wages -Took freight trains to Ottawa to present demands to PM Bennet, he rejects them -Peaceful Protest which turns into a blood bath
Draught 1929 In the parries that lasted 10 years
Stock Market Crash October 29 1929 referred to as black tuesday because the stock market crashed in
The Dole Food vouchers that could be turned in for food -Humiliating -to qualify for the dole you had to publicly declare that you have no money
Bread and Soup Line Lined up for hours to get a small portion of bread or soup
Bennett's New Deal Made a new deal so that he would get re elected
5 Cent Speech -Said by WLM king -Against giving federal money for unemployment relief to any provinces that had conservative governments
Appeasement -policy aimed to prevent aggressors from starting wars by giving into their demands -Neville Chamberlin Negotiated an Appeasement with Hitler
Axis Germany Italy Japan
Allies UK USSR US Candada
Leader of Germany: Hitler -Fascist/Dictator
Leader Of Italy Mussolini -Fascist
Leader of Japan Hirohito (The Generals) -Fascist
Leader Of UK Churchill -Democratic
Leader of US Rosevelt -Democratic
Leader of USSR Stalin -Communist
Leader of Canada William Lyon Mackenzie King -Democratic
Blitzkrieg Listening war -Hitlers new tactic
Battle of the Britain -first battle to be completely fought in the air -Hitler anted to take over Britain so that he could have full control over Europe "keep calm and carry on"
Dieppe APRIL 19 1942 Canadian led raid -to engage Hitler -Distraction for a pinch raid -Trying to steal the enigma Machine -Unsuccessful
Problems during Dieppe -British ships were intercepted -Lost the cover of Darkness -tanks got stuck on stone beaches -2,000 soldiers became POW
Pinch Raid A distraction to steal someone or something
U boats in the St. Lawrence German submarines attack and torpedo ships in the St. Lawrence
Rationing getting a portion (government limiting the amount of products you get
Corvettes Designed to sink U boats Long, skinny and crowded
SS. St. Louis -Floating concentration camp -Sailed from Hamburg Germany to Cuba -Cuba Refused entry, the US refused entry and so did Canada -Ship was forced to return to Germany but finally were taken in by Belgium, France, and Britain
BCATP British Commonwealth Airforce training program -In Canada to train to fight overseas
Propaganda -rally support for the war effort Techniques: Graphic, big text, powerful imagery
D-Day JUNE 6 1944 Invasion of Normandy Canada takes Juno Beach
Battle of Hong Kong Defending Hong Kong against Japeese attack -6 day bombardment -Canadians were forced to sit in a hot room with no water where they were raped and murdered ended on Christmas
Italian Campaign Allies pushed to remove Italy from the war
Battle of Ortona Mouse hole fighting, buildings were struck by grenades to clear the people out -Germans surrendered due to lac of resources
VE DAY (victoring Europe day) -Surrender of Germany unconditionally to allied forces -May 7 1945 -Hitler shoots himself on april 30
Zombies men who were conscripted to serve only in Canada
Liberation of the Netherlands Germany occupied the Netherlands -first attempt to free them failed -Allies army drop a parachute to attempt to capture the bridges -Successfully took the bridge
V.J Day AUGUST 15 Japan surrendered to the allies after 6 years of war
Korean War North Korea attacked South Korea -Condemned by the United Nations -Before the truce Canada saw action -Canadians stayed in Korea to maintain the truce
NORAD North American Air Defence system to defend against enemy missiles
Dew Lines Distant Early Warning -defence system installed in Nunavut, Canada -Picked up Enemy missiles approaching from 4800 km away
Avro Arrow Advanced fighter jet made by Canadians that was cancelled Caused unemployment of a lot of Canadians
Suez Canal Canal was controlled by Britain and France in Europe -Egypt took control over Canal -USSR threatened to help them -Lester B Pearson came up with a solution
NATO -defence pact to protect members
Warsaw Pact Defence Treaty (Nato)
Cuban Missile Crisis USSR launched missiles from Cuba to America -Closest the cold war came to a full scale war
Iron Curtain A metaphor for the dividing of Europe between East and West
Summit Series Hockey showdown between USSR and Canada -Canadian victory
Canadian Caper 6 escaped American hostages escaped from Iran with fake identities saying that they were filming a movie -Found refugee with Ken Taylor
Montreal Masacre DECEMBER 6 -University in Montreal -14 women (students) are killed -man goes into a class of 90 ad separates men and women -Kills 14 women he accuses of being feminists -Marc Lapine
9/11 2 planes crashed on the twin towers in New York City -September 11, 2001
Long Term Effects of 9/11 -rights were stripped -freedom of assembly -privacy rights (X-Ray Machine) -detention rights -Can't cross boarder without a passport -increased costs
Gander "Operation Yellow Ribbon" effort between Canada and American aviation officials -500 planes headed to the US grounded at 17 airports in Canada -Canada's public were quick to offer support for thousands stranded
Just Society To make sure that every citizen as the same fundamental rights and two communities of people will live in Harmony
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