Chemistry - Unit 1 Key Definitions


Flashcards on Chemistry - Unit 1 Key Definitions, created by 09hpenny on 28/01/2015.
Flashcards by 09hpenny, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 09hpenny over 9 years ago

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Nomenclature A system of names, and the rules for using them
Unsaturated Hydrocarbon A compound consisting of only carbon and hydrogen containing at least 1 carbon=carbon double bond
Homologous Series An organic series with the same functional group but with each member differing by CH2
Functional Group A group of atoms responsible for the characteristic reactions of a compound
Alkane A homologous series with the general formula CnH2n+2
Alkene The homologous series with C=C double bonds with the general formula CnH2n
General Formula The simplest algebraic formula of a member of a homologous series.
Empirical Formula The simplest whole number ratio of atoms of each element in a compound
Structural formula The minimal detail that shows the arrangement of atoms in a molecule
Displayed Formula The relative positioning of atoms in a molecule with bonds drawn between them
Skeletal Formula The simplified organic formula, shown by removing hydrogen atoms from Alkyl chains, leaving just a carbon skeleton and associated functional groups
Structural Isomers Isomers with the same molecular formula but a different structural formula
Positional Isomerism When a functional group is on a different numbered carbon (A type of structural isomerism)
Chain Isomerism When branches occur in a chain
Stereoisomerism Compounds with the same structural formula but with a different 3D arrangement in space
E/Z Isomerism Where two different groups are attached to each carbon atom of a C=C double bond.
Cis-Trans Isomerism A special case of E/Z isomerism in which two of the substituent groups are the same
Homolytic Fission When a covalent bond breaks giving one electron to each atom, creating 2 neutral radicals.
Hetrolytic Fissoin When a covalent bond breaks and gives both electrons to 1 atom forming 2 charged ions (1 positive and 1 negative)
Radical A species with an unpaired electron
Nucleophile An electron pair donor
Electrophile An electron pair acceptor
Addition Reaction When a species adds to another species - Requires a C=C carbon, carbon double bond
Substitution Reaction When a species replaces another species in a reaction
Elimination Reaction When a species is removed from a molecule - This usually forms a C=C double bond
Nucleophilic Substitution When a Nucleophile replaces a leaving group (usually a halogen)
Free Radical Substitution When a free radical replaces a species in a reaction
Fractional Distilation When a mixture (eg. crude oil) is split into its components by their different boiling points
Cracking When a long chain alkane is split into a shorter chain alkane and an alkene
Combustion When a compound reacts (is burnt) completely in oxygen to form carbon dioxide and water
Incomplete combustion When a compound reacts (is burnt) in insufficient oxygen to form a mixture of carbon, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and water
π - Bond Formed by the sideways overlap of adjacent P orbitals
Polymer A high molecular mass compound formed from a long chain of monomers
Monomer A small molecule, usually an Alkene, used to build a polymer
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