Biology grade 11


This covers grade 11 biology unit 2. This is in order of the book 'biology source' by Pearson Investigating science
Manali Bisht
Flashcards by Manali Bisht, updated more than 1 year ago
Manali Bisht
Created by Manali Bisht about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Plankton Microscopic organisms that drift/swim near surfaces of ponds/water
Dinoflagellates Unicellular protists with cell wall made of cellulose and two flagellas
Phytoplankton Photosynthetic organisms in plankton, and is the base of food chains for aquatic organisms
Why are amoeba and Paramecium considered "animal-like" protists? Because they can move around their habitats and are heterotrophic.
The role plankton play in most aquatic habitats? They are part of the primary producing community
Identify the organism that causes malaria and describe its life cycle Plasmodium; infects the human by a mosquito, affects the human liver cells which then bursts to release a different form of protist, infects red blood cells that divide asexually that burst open and release more PLASMODIUM cells, another mosquito bites and picks up plasmodium cells, plasmodium then reproduces sexually in the mosquito
What characteristics do all protists have in common? Are eukaryotes and unicellular Usually move and capture their own food Live in moist areas
What advice about eating would you give to people living near the site of a red tide outbreak? Explain This outbreak is affecting fish and mammal(tissue damaging or death), only because they drink that water. Humans must avoid eating contaminated animals, especially shellfish that have eaten algae from a HAB affected area.
Contrast three modes of movement among protists Flagella, long hairlike projections - waves back and forth from the back Cilia, clumped in leglike structure - propels the cell Pseudopodia - they stream their cytoplasm in the direction they like to go
Summarize why protists have traditionally been placed in their own taxonomic kingdom in the six-kingdom system Are unicellular and eukaryote organisms, live in diverse ranges of habitat, and structures, functions vary
Why does it no longer seem correct to group all protists in a single kingdom? Kingdom Protista actually includes organisms thats dont relate to each other
Describe three examples of structural diversity found in protists Animal-like -> are heterotrophs that capture and ingest food Plant-like -> autotrophs that make their own food Fungus-like -> heterotrophs that feed mostly on decaying organic matter as fungi do
What does the theory of serial endosymbiosis propose about how eukaryotes may have evolved from prokaryotes? Where chloroplasts and mitochondria evolved from small symbiotic prokaryotes that lived within larger host cells/Certain prokaryotes could have become residents within larger host cells, evolving into mitochondria and chloroplasts
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